
Continued entries/extra info


[Quotation..continued from page 33]

"of the Leven after defeating the Ninth legion on the Orr" "In 1335 the dam erected to drown the Scotch in
Loch Leven Castle was near the junction of this and Portmoak. The existence and locality of this dam
have been proved by the removal of its foundations in the recent operations on the Leven."
"About 1760 a Stone Coffin or Urn was found near the Gallant Knowe on Strathendry"

The Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Nicol of Leslie and Mr. Downy the Gardener at Strathendry House were the writers of the Article on Leslie in the New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] I consulted Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Nicol who could give me very little information about what he had himself written, he is since dead. Mr. Downy Says the Gallant Knowe has been removed to repair roads but he can point out the site if necessary. the remains of which mention is made in the foregoing quotations were found for the most part in the bed of the River Leven during the operation of widening it about 30 years ago. Mr Downy was present when what was supposed to be the foundation of the dam to drown the Scotch in Loch Leven was found. the place was Auchmoor Bridge and the remains were 3 or 4 large loose stones a little below the bed of the River. Mr. Downy does not believe this to have been the foundation of the dam himself, although he has written it in the New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] he thinks the stones formed part of it and may have been washed down the River by the current of the stream. The other remains noticed in the New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] that I could get any information about are mentioned in the descriptive remarks of the objects near where they were found.
M. Kinsela C.Asst [Civilian Assistant]

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