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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Bells Brae
Bells Brae
Mr H Fowles
John R Greig Esqr
Mr Baird
022 A slight eminence on the Farm of Orwell a little to the east of the Farm Steading of Old Manse.
Greig Hill
Greig Hill
Mr H Fowles
John R Greig Esqr Mr Baird
022 A small cultivated Hill on the Farm of Orwell a short distance south east from the Farm Steading
OLD MANSE [NE of Kinross] Old Manse
Old Manse
Old Manse
Mr Hutton Fowles Tenant
Mr Christie
Mr Baird
022 A good dwelling house and a few outbuildings occupied by Mr Hutton Fowles. It was the Manse when the Parish Church of Orwell was here. The Grave Yard and site of Church are at the east end of the Farm Buildings

Continued entries/extra info

Plan 22 B. Parish of Orwell

Bell of the Brae The highest part of a hill Jamieson

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