
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
John Olyphant P. [Post] Master St. Monance
Mr. Mackay St. Monance
William Peattie Craigiewells
026 A large stone building in good repair and situated in the village of St. Monance. it was built for and is used as a brewery where large quantities of Ale and Small Beer are continuously in process of being made. Connected with it is a Malthouse and all other necessary office houses. It is a feu the property of Mr. Mackay.
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Fogo Ph. [Parish] Minister Ph. [Parish] Manse
John Olyphant P. [Post] Master St. Monance
G. Fargan Inch
County Map date 1826 & 7
Hist: [History] of Fife by J.M. Leighton
026 A large and well built farm house and offices all in good repair attached to it is a large farm of ground the property of Thomas Baird and occupied by Mr. Luke farmer, near it is Newark Castle a part of the offices which belonged to the same are still used as office houses with the other offices belonging to the farm house they are possibly as old as the Castle. See Sketch marked B on margin of trace the old portion is marked on the Margin with black.

Continued entries/extra info

108 List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C.Asst [Civilian Assistant]

[Parish of] St. Monance Plan 26B Trace 4

[signed] Thomas Smith c/a [Civilian Assistant] 28th February 1853

Transcriber's notes

[Brewery] This object does not apparently appear on the final Plan as manufacturing businesses were not shown on the 6 inch series.

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