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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Balneil Den
Balneil Den
Balniel Den
General J. Lindsay (proprietor) Balcarres
R. Melville Pitcorthie
Mr. Russell farmer E. [Easter] Pitcorthie
Stat. [Statistical] Account. p913
026 A large and well built farm house and office houses with a steam power Thrashing Mill all in good repair attached to it is a large farm of ground the property of General Lindsay of Balcarres & Occupied by Mr.Bogie farmer
Balcarres Den
Balcarres Den
General Lindsay Balcarres
R. Melville Pitcorthie
Stat: Acct. [Statistical Account] of County p 9.1336 [smudged]
026 A long deep ravine covered with wood and having a small stream flowing through it for a considerable distance it is known by the given name when higher up it is called Balniel Den, in all it is about 2 miles long by from five to ten chains wide and Situated in part in different properties.

Continued entries/extra info

68 List of Names Collected by Thomas Smith C.Asst. [Civilian Assistant]

Parish of Kilconquhar Plan 26A Trace 2

[signed] Thomas [Smith c/a] 18th April [1853]

Transcriber's notes

The Statistical Account page is Volume 9, page 336 of the New Statistical Account.

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