
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CULDEES CHAPEL (Supposed Site of) [Colinsburgh] Supposed Site of Culdees Chapel
Supposed Site of Culdees Chapel
James Smith Colinsburgh
James Thomson Gardener Balchristie
026 [situation] About 1 1/8 miles W. by S. [West by South] from Colinsburgh.
The place pointed out as the site of the chapel of the Culdees is occupied by a building now used as a store room. This building was erected in 1768 as an Independent Chapel & used a while as such. The site of this ancient chapel was pointed out by James Thomson gardener at Balchristie and by James Smith who resides at Colinsburgh. James Smith is an intelligent man and is at present 86 years of age he heard it stated as a tradition when he was a boy that the Culdees came from the Island of Iona and built a village & chapel at Balchristie. He also heard of the remains of the chapel being found at the place pointed out as the above site.
"If we may give credit to the records and traditions which have been transmitted to us of that early period the Culdees who are thought to have been the first regular [Clergy] in Scotland had a church and residence in this parish so early as the time of Malcolm Canmore. The earliest records which we have of these Monks mention Hungus the King of the Picts as their great benefactor and St. Andrews or its neighbourhood as their chief residence [Brude] the last King of the Picts made a donation to them of the ... [continued]

Continued entries/extra info

11 Parish of Newburn.

[Margin note] Page in Forms 136

[Notes - Supposed site of Culdees Chapel] G. Text ? Should it not be Old English? o,m,o

"If we may credit the traditions of a remote period the Culdees had a church in this parish. King Malcolm granted to these priests, Balchrystie where the foundation stones of an ancient edifice were dug up about half a century ago on the very spot where the church of the Culdees is supposed to have stood." New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]

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