OS1/13/57/1 |
1 [Index Page]
Names of Objects -- Pages
Parish of Dairsie -- 3
Church (1621) -- 15
Dairisemuir or Osnaburgh -- 6
Dairsie Mains -- 8
Dairsie Station -- 10
Dron Mill (corn) -- 10
Dairsie Castle (Ruin of) -- 11
Dairsie Mill (corn) -- 13
Dairsie Bridge -- 14
Free Church -- 5
Lydox Mill -- 7
Manse -- 10
Post Office -- 9
School -- 5
Woodville -- 9 |
OS1/13/57/2 |
2) [Blank Page] |
OS1/13/57/3 |
Ph. [Parish] of Dairsie
Ph. [Parish] of Dairsie
Ph. [Parish] of Dairsie
Ph. [Parish] of Dairsie
Ph. [Parish] of Dairsie
Ph. [Parish] of Dairsie
Ph. [Parish] of Dairsie |
Full. [Fullarton's] Gazetteer
Sta. Acct. of Co. [Statistical Account of County]
The heriff's Co. [County] List of Parishes
Old Stat. [Statistical] Account
Oliver & Boyds Almanac
Sibbalds Hist. [History] of Fife
County Map. |
006; 011 |
[situation] In the Eastern portion of the Co. [County] of Fife.
A parish in Fifeshire bounded on the north by the parishes of Kilmany, Logie and Leuchars, on the east by Kemback and Leuchars, on the south by Kemback and Cupar, and on the east by the parish of Cupar. It is of an irregular form, extending from southeast to Northwest about 2 1/2 miles, and form southwest to northeast about 2 miles. The superficial area is about 2306 acres all of which are arable with the exception of the few acres all is in the Presbytery of Cupar and Synod of Fife. Patron [clunes] of Sandside. There are no detached portions belonging to or within this parish. |
OS1/13/57/3 |
3 Parish of Dairsie |
OS1/13/57/4 |
4 [Blank Page] |
OS1/13/57/5 |
SCHOOL [Osnaburgh] |
Free Church School
Free Church School |
Mr. Stewart Schoolmaster
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Magilvary Free Church Manse |
011 |
[situation] In the village of Dairsiemuir or Osnaburgh.
A house one story high on the North side of Dairsiemuir adjoining the Free Church Kept as a Schoolhouse where children of both sexes are taught the ordinary branches of an English education. The average number of pupils in attendance are 70, The master's salary is derived part from a committee of the Free Church and part from the pupils |
OS1/13/57/5 |
FREE CHURCH [Osnaburgh] |
Free Church |
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. McGilvary F. [Free] Church Manse
Mr. Stewart Schoolmaster |
011 |
[situation] In the village of Dairsiemuir or Osnaburgh.
A rectangular building on the North side of the Village of Dairsiemuir and occupied as a place of worship by members of the Free Church. It has an average attendance of 250 is seated to contain 400 and averages about 200 yearly communicants. The officiating Minister is the Revd. [Reverend] Mr. McGilvary who derives his salary from the sustentation fund. |
OS1/13/57/5 |
5) Parish of Dairsie Plan 11B Trace 1 |
OS1/13/57/6 |
Dairsie Moor or Dairsiemoor |
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Scott Dairsie Manse
Mr. Bruce Schoolmaster
John Braid Farmer Wester Dron
Mr. Brodie Postmaster
Post office Stamp
Johnstons Co. [County] Map
Stat; Acct: [Statistical Account] |
006; 011 |
[situation] About 1 3/4 miles N.W. [North West] from Blebo Craigs.
A small village on the road leading from Cupar to St. Andrews being about three miles distant from the former. the houses are all regularly built and principally only one story in height with small vegetable gardens attached to each.and are for the most part occupied by weavers. There are also a few Grocers shops a Post Office, and one public House in the Village. This Village is also called Osnaburgh from the Circumstance of the first house that was built in the village being occupied by a weaver who was weaving for some Cupar manufacturers a kind of cloth called Osnaburgh Cloth. The Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Scott says that for the one letter directed to Osnaburgh for any of the inhabitants, there are fifty directed Dairsiemuir. he emphatically states that Dairsiemuir is the proper name. |
OS1/13/57/6 |
6 Parish of Dairsie Plan 11B Trace 1 |
OS1/13/57/7 |
Lydox Mill
Lydox Mill
Lydox Mill
Lydox Mill
Lydox Mill |
Mr. Annan Lydox Mill
John Braid Wester Dron
Johnston's Co. [County] Map
Robert Scott Kemback
Thomas King Bishoptown |
011 |
[situation] About 20 chains N.W. [North West] from Kinnaird.
This name applies to two mills and several dwelling houses the latter tenanted by work people employed in the mills. There is also a small farm attached to the mills but no farm house. One of the mills is a corn mill. the other is a flax spinning mill in which about 35 persons are employed including male and female. |
OS1/13/57/7 |
7 Parish of Dairsie
[Note - faded] Note. The name Lydox Mill to be written on plan as the general name of the Mills & dwelling houses. and, Corn Mill, and Spinning Mill (Flax), to be written respectively to the mills. |
OS1/13/57/8 |
Dairsie Mains
Dairsie Mains |
Mr. Gibb Dairsie Mains
John Braid Wester Dron |
011 |
A well constructed house two stories high with suitable offices and farm attached. Situated a little to the N.W. [North West] of Dairsie Church occupied by Mr Gibb farmer and property of the Honble. [Honorable] Mrs Erskine |
OS1/13/57/8 |
8) Parish of Dairsie Plan 11B Trace 1
[Dairsie Mains - Situation] About 55 Chains South from Dairsiemuir or Osnaburgh. |
OS1/13/57/9 |
POST OFFICE [Osnaburgh] |
Post Office
Post Office |
Mr. Brodie Postmaster
Sign Board |
011 |
[situation] In the village of Dairsiemuir or Osnaburgh
A dwelling house on the south side of Dairsiemuir Village part of which is kept as a Post Office for the reception and despatch of letters, it is a sub post office to that of Cupar from which letters are received, and despatched [thither] daily |
OS1/13/57/9 |
Woodville |
Mr. Brodie Postmaster
John Braid Wester Dron |
011 |
[situation] In the Village of Dairsiemuir or Osnaburgh.
A neat and well constructed cottage two stories high, with offices and vegetable garden attached situated on the South side of the Village of Dairsiemuir. |
OS1/13/57/9 |
MANSE [Free Church, Osnaburgh] |
Free Church Manse
Free Church Manse |
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. McGilvary F.C. [Free Church] Manse
Mr. Stewart Schoolmaster Dairsiemuir |
011 |
[situation] In the Village of Dairsiemuir or Osnaburgh.
A neat and well constructed house two stories high with offices and vegetable garden attached the property and residence for the time being of the Revd. [Reverend] Mr. McGilvary. Free Church Minister. |
OS1/13/57/9 |
9 Parish of Dairsiemuir Plan 11B Trace 1 |
OS1/13/57/10 |
MANSE [parish, SW of Osnaburgh] |
Manse |
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Scott
Mr. Brodie Postmaster Dairsiemuir |
011 |
[situation] About 30 chains S.W. [South West] from the village of Dairsiemuir.
A neat and well constructed house two stories high with suitable offices vegetable garden and 6 acres Glebe land attached, the property and residence for the time being of the Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Scott established Minister of the Parish Church of Dairsie |
OS1/13/57/10 |
Dairsie Station
Dairsie Station |
James Crombie Dairsie Station
Sign Board |
011 |
[situation] About 35 chains S by E [South by East] from Dairsiemuir.
A shed on the Edinburgh, Perth and Dundee Railway about three miles from Cupar where passengers and goods are booked for any other station on said Railway. |
OS1/13/57/10 |
DRON MILL (Corn) |
Dron Mill
Dron Mill |
John Braid Wester Dron
Mr. Brodie Postmaster Dairsiemuir |
011 |
[situation] About 45 chains S.S.E. [South South East] from Dairsiemuir.
A corn mill on the North bank of the River Eden and south of Dairsie Railway Station in the [possession] of John Braid Wester Dron and property of Mr. Meldrum |
OS1/13/57/10 |
10 Parish of Dairsie Plan 11B Trace 1 |
OS1/13/57/11 |
Dairsie Castle
Dairsie Castle
Dairsie Castle |
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Scott Dairsie Manse
REvd. [Reverend] Mr. McLaren Kemback Manse
David Hepburn Kinnnaird |
011 |
[situation] Adjoining Dairsie Church About 65 chains S. [South] from Dairsiemuir.
Close to the Parish Church of Dairsie are these ruins.
The Castle is supposed to have been built in the twelth century It has been very large, and of great strength, the walls being nearly six feet thick. Its shape appears to have been rectangular, with round towers at the corners, only one of these towers is nearly perfect, and is divided into three stories, A part of the roof of the first flat remains, and is arched. The windows were numerous and large. Until lately the Castle was in good repair, the present Sexton recollects of its being occupied by three families. But a great part of it was taken down to build the farm steading of Dairsie Mains. Little appears to be known of its history in this neigbourhood. It along with the estate of Dairise belongs to Sir Thomas Erskine of Dairsie. |
OS1/13/57/11 |
11) Parish of Dairsie Plan 11B Trace 6
[Note - Dairsie Castle (ruins of)] G. [German] Text. |
OS1/13/57/12 |
12) [No Header]
[Quotation - Dairsie Castle]
" The old Castle of Dairsie, now in ruins, although still in wonderful perservation, is situated on that part of the estate of Dairsie parish known by the name of Dairsie, the property, at this time, of Judge Erskine, by his marriage with Miss Traill, the daughter of the former proprietor. It is built upon a rising ground near the banks of the River Eden, which stream forms the southern boundary of that beautiful estate for about one mile and a half. This must have been a lace of some consequence in early times, for we learn, that in the minority of David II, 1335 the then Regents of Scotland, Stewart and Moray, held a Parliament in the Castle of Dairsie, probably selected as a place of strength and retirement in these troublesome times." New Stat: Acct: [Statistical Account] of Fifeshire Page 771 |
OS1/13/57/13 |
Dairsie Mill
Dairsie Mill
Dairsie Mill
Dairsie Mill |
James Pride Occupier
David Hepburn Kinnaird
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. McLaren Kemback Manse
Johnston's Co. [County] Map |
011 |
This name applies to an irregular cluster of buildings, consisting of a mill, farm steading, outhouses and dwelling house. Machinery is fitted up in the mill for preparing meal and barley. All the buildings are occupied by Mr James Pride, the proprietor is Sir Thomas Erskine of Dairsie. |
OS1/13/57/13 |
13 Parish of Dairsie Plan 11B Trace 6
[Dairsie Mill - Situation] About 1 Mile South from Dairsiemuir. |
OS1/13/57/14 |
Dairsie Bridge
Dairsie Bridge
Dairsie Bridge |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr Scott Dairsie Manse
Rev. [Reverend] Mr McLaren
Kemback Manse
David Hepburn
Kinnaird |
011 |
[situation] About 65 Chains South from Dairsiemuir.
He who built Dairsie Church built at his own expense Dairsie Bridge. It is over the river Eden. Consists of three arches, two of which are circular and one is pointed, and strengthened by projecting piers, and the inside of the arches is ribbed. It is very narrow, admitting one vehicle only to cross at a time. It was over this bridge that Lady Kemback was hung by the hair of the head for assisting her husband during the concealment. |
OS1/13/57/14 |
14 Parish of Dairsie Plan 11B Trace 6
[Note - Dairsie Bridge] G. [German] Text. |
OS1/13/57/15 |
CHURCH [parish, Osnaburgh] |
Church |
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Scott Dairsie Manse
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. McLaren Kemback Manse
David Hepburn Kinnaird |
011 |
[situation] About 65 Chains South from Dairsemuir.
This church is a fine specimen of pointed architecture, the ornamentation of which is rich and elaborate. It was built by a member of the family of Spotiswoode, whose "arms" and initials, I.S. with the data 1621 are above the doorway. The only alteration on the original structure is in the roof which was formally flat, and is now inclined. There are four windows in each side, and one double window in the east end, at which end is the pulpit. On the southwest corner is a octagon tower with bell; above this, a steeple surmounted by a cock. Below the east end of the church was the burying vault of the Spottiswoode family, with the entrance from the Church, covered by a large slab, said to have been brought from Italy at the time when the church, was being built. The vault is now the store room, and the slab is placed at the doorway of the church. This slab is a peculiar kind of stone, for when recently struck it emits a strong and very disagreeable smell, of a sulphureous nature. The church accommodates 430. The attendance about 170, and the number of communicants is 130. The present Minister is the Reverend Scott, his salary is 17 Chalders of grain, with manse and glebe of 6 acres. Around the church is the grave yard, in which are a few ornamental tomb stones, the oldest legible, bears date 1648. |
OS1/13/57/15 |
Parish of Dairsie Plan 11B Trace 6 |
OS1/13/57/16 |
16 [No Header]
"Near the old castle, the grounds of which the present proprietor keeps in great order, is the parish church built by the Archbishop Spottiswood about 1615. In the life of Spottiswood, prefixed to his history of the Church, it is said "He, the Archbishop, built upon his own charges the Church of Dairsie, after the decent English form, which, if the boisterous hand of a mad reformation had not disordered, is at this time (1678) one of the beautifullest little pieces of Church work that is now left to that now unhappy country" The above is far from an overstretched account of this edifice, which originally had a flat roof with lead and most grotesque shaped windows in the Gothic style, and a belfry tower near it. Now it is modernised by a roof of the modern shape, and the steeple pointed as others." Stat: Acct: [Statistical Account] of Fifeshire Page 773. |
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17 [Blank Page] |
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18 [Blank Page] |
OS1/13/57/19 |
19 [Index Page]
Names of Objects -- Pages
Parish of Leuchars -- 23
Eden Grove -- 23
Eden Bank -- 24
Edinburgh, Perth & Dundee Railway -- 24
River Eden -- 23
Wester Dron -- 25 |
OS1/13/57/20 |
20 [Blank Page] |
OS1/13/57/21 |
LEUCHARS [parish] |
Ph. [Parish] of Leuchars
Ph. [Parish] of Leuchars
Ph. [Parish] of Leuchars
Ph. [Parish] of Leuchars
Ph. [Parish] of Leuchars
Ph. [Parish] of Leuchars |
Full. [Fullarton's] Gazetteer
Stat. Acct. of Co. [Statistical Account of County]
The Sheriffs list of Parishes of County
Old. Stat [Statistical] Account
Sibbald's History of Fife
County Map |
002; 003; 006; 007; 011 |
[situation] In the Eastern portion of the County of Fife.
A parish in Fifeshire, bounded on the south by the parishes of Kemback and St. Andrews, on the east by the German Ocean, on the north by the parishes of Ferry Port On Craig and Forgan, and on the west by the parishes of Logie and Dairsie. It extends from northeast to southwest about 9 miles. Its greatest breadth from northwest to southeast is about 5 miles, and is generally all throughout well enclosed and cultivated. It has two villages the principal of which is Leuchars, this parish is in the presbytery of St. Andrews and Synod of Fife. Patron the Crown. There are no detached portions belonging to, or within, this parish |
OS1/13/57/21 |
21 Parish of Leuchars |
OS1/13/57/22 |
22 [Blank Page] |
OS1/13/57/23 |
Eden Grove
Eden Grove
Eden Grove
Edengrove |
William Buttercase Nydie Mill
Robert Walker Nydie
Robert Braid Eden Bank
Johnston's Co. [County] Map |
011 |
[situation] About 50 Chains E.S.E. [East South East] from Dairisemuir.
From its vicinity to the Eden, and from the number of fine large trees does this house take its name. It is a very large dwelling of two storeys with stables and other outhouses, a large garden is also near the house. It is occupied by the proprietor Miss Duncan. |
OS1/13/57/23 |
River Eden
River Eden
River Eden
River Eden |
Robert Walker Nydie
William Buttercase Nydie Mill
Robert Braid Eden Bank
Johnston's Co. [County] Map |
011 |
[situation] Passes E. [East] side of Dairsie Castle & Church.
This river rises in the Lomond Hills in this County. That Strath through which is flows receives the local name of Stratheden. Passing Cupar on the South, flowing eastward it receives the Ceres Burn near Kemback bridge. And where it joins the sea is called Eden Mouth |
OS1/13/57/23 |
23 Parish of Leuchars Plan 11B Trace 2
[Note arrowed to "River Eden"] Not Navigable
[Note arrowed to "Stratheden" in Remarks] Strath Eden OMO [Ordnance Map Office]
[Note arrowed to "local name" in reference to "Stratheden"] Local only. |
OS1/13/57/24 |
Eden Bank
Eden Bank
Eden Bank
Edenbank |
Robert Braid Foreman on the Farm
William Buttercase Nydie Mill
Robert Walker Nydie
Johnston's Co. [County] Map |
011 |
[situation] About 45 chains East from Dairsiemuir.
This is a large farm steading with dwelling house of two storeys high, and a garden.
It is occupied by the proprietor, Mr. John Meldrum, farmer. In a field adjoining the house is a large cistern. It is underground, the top being on a level with the surface. It is enclosed by a circular hedge and was constructed to supply Eden Bank with water. |
OS1/13/57/24 |
Edinburgh, Perth and Dundee Railway
Edinburgh, Perth and Dundee Railway
Edinburgh, Perth and Dundee Railway
Edinburgh Dundee and Northern Railway |
Robert Walker Nydie
William Buttercase Nydie Mill
Robert Braid Eden Bank
Johnston's Co. [County] Map |
[situation] Passes about 40 chains E. [East] from Dairsiemuir.
This Railway extends from Edinburgh to Perth by Dundee, and consists of two lines of rails. The Electric Telegraph extends to Dundee. It extends from Princes Street Station at Edinburgh to Granton Pier; from there it is carried Across the Firth of Forth by means of a large floating raft propelled by steam; with this raft or steamer trucks containing goods can be ferried over to Fifeshire without unloading their cargo, as its deck is laid with rails, and it can be raised or depressed to suit any tide by means of apparatus, at both sides of the ferry. The line again continues at Burntisland and proceeds N.E. [North East] by Kirkcaldy to Thornton Junction, from which a branch extends to Dunfermline. It then proceeds northward to the junction at Ladybank where the line diverges into two parts one proceeding to Dundee via Cupar & Ferry Port on Craig, the other to Perth via Newburgh. There are also two other branches, one now in progress / extending from about Markinch to Leuchars etc. The St. Andrews Railway extends from Leuchars station to St. Andrews & although wrought y the Edinr. [Edinburgh] Perth & Dundee Raily. Compy. [Railway Company] is not their property. |
OS1/13/57/24 |
24 Parish of Leuchars Plan 11B Trace 2 |
OS1/13/57/25 |
Wester Dron
Wester Dron
South Dron |
John Braid Wester Dron
Mr. Brodie Postmaster Dairisemuir
Johnston's Co. [County] Map |
011 |
[situation] About 25 chains S.S.E. [South South East] from Dairsiemuir.
A farm house with suitable offices Thrashing machine and farm attached occupied by John Braid and property of Mr. Meldrum. |
OS1/13/57/25 |
25 Parish of Leuchars Plan 11B Trace 1 |
OS1/13/57/26 |
26 [OS1/13/57 PAGES 26 - 28 ARE BLANK] |
OS1/13/57/29 |
29 [Index Page]
Names of Objects -- Pages
Parish of St. Andrews -- 39
Bog Quarry (sandstone) -- 37
Bonefield -- 38
Easter Clatto -- 37
Grave of five Covenanters Executed (1679) -- 35
Knockhill Quarry (sandstone) -- 33
Longmoor -- 33
Magus Muir -- 39
Nydie Mill -- 32
Nydie -- 32
Place of Archbishop Sharp's Murder 1679 -- 36
Sunniebraes -- 38
Tongues of Clatto -- 39
Clatto -- 41
Clatto Hill -- 41
Bishop's Wood -- 42
Knock Hill -- 42
Corsie Hill -- 41 |
OS1/13/57/30 |
30 [Blank Page] |
OS1/13/57/31 |
31) Parish of St. Andrews Plan 11B Trace 2.
[Deleted entry for "Knockhill"] |
OS1/13/57/32 |
Nydie Mill
Nydie Mill
Nydie Mill
Nydie Mill |
William Buttercase Occupier
Robert Walker Nydie
Robert Braid Eden Bank
Johnston's Co. [County] Map |
011 |
[situation] About 1 mile N.N.W. [North North West] from Blebocraigs.
This name is applied to a corn mill, adjoining to the mill is a small farm steading with dwelling house of one storey and garden, as well as to the mill. This mill is for preparing meal and barley. It is occupied by Mr. William Buttercase. the proprietor is Capt. [Captain] Robert Bethune, Blebo. |
OS1/13/57/32 |
Nydie |
Robert Walker Occupier
Robert Braid Eden Bank
William Buttercase Nydie Mill
Johnston's Co. [County] Map |
011 |
[situation] About 1 1/2 miles N.N.E. [North North East] from Blebocraigs.
This is a very large farm steading with dwelling house and garden. The Thrashing Machine is driven by steam power. The tenant is Mr. Robert Walker and the proprietor is Capt. [Captain] Robert Bethune of Blebo. |
OS1/13/57/32 |
32) Parish of St. Andrews Plan 11B Trace 2 |
OS1/13/57/33 |
Knockhill Quarry
Knockhill Quarry
Knockhill Quarry |
William Buttercase Tenant
Robert Walker Nydie
William McArthur Longmoor |
011 |
[situation] About 1 1/4 miles N.NE. [North North East] from Blebocraigs.
This is a large quarry yielding freestone, of a very fine quality. It forms part of the district called Knockhill. It is leased from the proprietor Capt. [Captain] Bethune, by Mr. William Buttercase. |
OS1/13/57/33 |
Longmoor |
William McArthur Occupier
William Buttercase Nydie Mill
Robert Walker Nydie |
011 |
[situation] About 1 1/4 miles E.N.E. [East North East] from Blebocraigs.
Longmoor is the name of a cottage and garden, occupied by Mr. William McArthur, shepherd to Capt. [Captain] Rigg of Tarvit, the proprietor. It is supposed to have derived its name from the shape of the wood west of it, which formerly was a large moor. |
OS1/13/57/33 |
33 Parish of St. Andrews Plan 11B Trace 3 |
OS1/13/57/34 |
34 Parish of St. Andrews Plan 11B Trace 3
[Deleted entry for "Newton of Nydie Moor"] |
OS1/13/57/35 |
Martyrs Grave
Martyrs Grave |
James Clement Farmer Easter Clatto
Andrew Carstairs Farmer Tongues of Clatto |
088 |
[situation] About 1 3/4 Miles E.S.E. [East South East] from Blebocraigs.
The place where those who were executed for rebellion in 1679 were buried. A small oblong patch of grass situated in the middle of a ploughed field and on the west side of where Bishop Sharp was murdered. On account of its sacredness none of the farmers who resided on the farm, since the men were buried there, ever attempted to plough it up. |
OS1/13/57/35 |
35 Parish of St. Andrews Plan 11B Trace 4
[Note] The name "Martyrs Grave" is evidently a misnomer as may be seen below by the quotation from the history of St. Andrews by Lyons.
[Quotation] "About a stones throw to the west of Guillans monument in an open field there is the grave of five men who were taken prisoners at the Battle of Bothwell Bridge in June 1679. There had been thirty of these prisoners in all. The "Justiciars" says Fountainhall tried the prisoners with great lenity for they took them severally one by one and obtested and entreated them to take the bond never to rise in arms hereafter against the King or his authority. Twenty six of them complied, one was acquitted because not taken in arms and the remaining five who refused all compromise were tried and condemned to death for (among other charges) protecting the murderers of Archbishop Sharp contriving the overthrow of the fundamental laws of Church and State declaring the King an usurper and denying that their being taken in arms against his majesty was rebellious. Their sentence was that they be carried to the Muir of Magus in the Sheriffdom of Fife the place where his grace the Archbishop of St. Andrews was murdered on 18th Nov. [November] Inst. and there hanged till they be dead and their bodies to be hung in chains till they rot and all their lands good & gear to fall to his majesty's use." Lyons Hist. [History] of St. Andrews vol.2 [Volume 2] p. 95 Note. They were hanged Dec. [December] 25th A.D. [Anno Domini] 1679.
[Note - pencil - arrowed to Remarks] Is there a gravestone a Tomb here? see page 36. |
OS1/13/57/36 |
Bishop Sharp murdered here.
Bishop Sharp murdered here. |
James Clement Farmer Easter Clatto
Andrew Carstairs Farmer Tongues of Clatto. |
011 |
[situation] About 1 3/4 miles E.S.E. [East South East] from Blebocraigs.
The place where Archbishop Sharp was murdered is in a small wood on Magus Muir, and marked by a grave stone erected to the memory of those who perpetrated the deed; by the admirers of the reformation; thinking the men that were executed were innocent. The stone is bearing date 1709 the rest of the inscription is effaced. |
OS1/13/57/36 |
36 Parish of St. Andrews Plan 11B Trace 4
[Note - appended to object name] G. [German] Text.
[Note] The Archbishop's remains were buried in the parish church of St. Andrews and a handsome marble monument is erected against the inner wall of the church over his grave the work of a Dutch artist. The Inscription on the monument is the Following.
D. O. M.
Under this lofty mausoleum are laid the precious remains of a most pious prelate a most precedent senator and a most holy martyr. The most Reverend father in God. James Sharp D.D. Archbishop of St. Andrews Primate of all Scotland etc. whom, the University as a professor of philosophy and theology the Church as a presbyter a doctor and a ruler: Scotland as a chief minister both of her Civil and ecclesiastical affairs Britain as the adviser of the restoration of Charles II [Second], and of monarchy: the Christian world as the restorer of Episcopacy and good order in Scotland. Scotland, Saw, acknowledged and admired and whom notwithstanding all this a band of nine parricides through the fury of fanaticism in the light of noon-day and in the vicinity of his metropolitan city cruelly murdered with many wounds from pistols swords and daggers while his eldest daughter and domestics wounded & weeping sought to protect him and when he himself had fallen on his knees to implore mercy in their behalf. On the 3rd of May 1679 and in the 61st year of his age. |
OS1/13/57/36 |
[parricides] murderers of a parent or family member, is confirmed in Lyon's history of St. Andrews |
OS1/13/57/37 |
Easter Clatto |
James Clement Farmer Easter Clatto
James Bruce Farmer Nether Magask |
011 |
[situation] About 60 chains E.N.E. [East North East] from Blebocraigs.
A small house one story high with offices and thrashing machine all in good repair, there is a garden and a farm of about 170 acres of arable land attached. Tenanted by James Clement. The property of J.W. Melville Esqr. of Mountmelville. |
OS1/13/57/37 |
BOG QUARRY (Sandstone) |
Bog Quarry
Bog Quarry |
James Clement Farmer Easter Clatto
James Bruce Farmer Nether Magask |
011 |
[situation] About 1 1/2 miles E.N.E. [East North East] from Blebocraigs.
A large freestone quarry which affords employment to about 5 men. Tenanted by Mr. McIntosh Builder St. Andrews. The property of J.W. Melville Esqr. of Mountmelville. |
OS1/13/57/37 |
37 Parish of St. Andrews Plan 11B Trace 4
[Note - pencil - arrowed to previous page "Place of Bishop Sharps Murder"] Grave stone for Sharp - or the murderers? see page 35 O,M,O, |
OS1/13/57/38 |
Bonefield |
James Clement Farmer Easter Clatto
James Bruce Farmer Nether Magask |
011 |
[situation] About 1 1/2 miles E.N.E. [East North East] from Blebocraigs.
A small house one story high with offices and thrashing machine, all in good repair. there is a garden and a farm of about 70 acres of arable land attached. Tenanted by William Buttercase. The property of John W. Meville Esqr. of Mountmelville. |
OS1/13/57/38 |
Sunniebraes |
James Clement Farmer Easter Clatto James Bruce Farmer Nether Magask |
011 |
[stuation] About 1 1/4 miles E.N.E. [East North East] from Blebocraigs.
A small house one story high with offices, all in good repair; there is a garden and a farm of about 30 acres of arable land attached. Tenanted by James Anderson. The property of David Mitchell Strathkinnes. |
OS1/13/57/38 |
38 Parish of St. Andrews Plan 11B Trace 4 |
OS1/13/57/39 |
Tongues of Clatto
Tongues of Clatto
Tongues of Clatto |
James Clement Farmer Easter Clatto Andrew Carstairs Farmer Tongues of Clatto Johnstons Co. [County] Map |
011 |
[situation] About 1 mile East from Clatto.
A small farm house one story high with offices and thrashing machine all in good repair. there is a garden and a farm of about 77 acres of arable land attached. Tenanted by Andrew Carstairs. The property of J.W. Melville Esqr. of Mountmelville. |
OS1/13/57/39 |
Magus Muir
Magus Muir
Magus Muir |
James Clement Farmer Easter Clatto
Andrew Carstairs Farmer Tongues of Clatto
Johnstons Co. [County] Map |
011 |
[situation] About 1 mile E.S.E. [East South East] from Clatto.
A large tract of land situated on the south side of Strathkinness village; its surface is arable, and wood. Famous on account of its being the place where Bishop Sharp was murdered. |
OS1/13/57/39 |
39 Parish of St. Andrews Plan 11B Trace 4
Parish of St. Andrews: St. Andrews: Parish of St. Andrews: [situation] In the Eastern portion of the County of Fife: For Descriptive Remarks See Name Book Plan 12B |
OS1/13/57/40 |
40 [Blank Page] |
OS1/13/57/41 |
Clatto |
Thomas King Bishoptown
James Annan Lydox Mill
Robert Scott Kemback |
011 |
[situation] About 1 mile N.E. [North East] from Blebocraigs.
A small but neatly built mansion house with suitable offices all in good repair. attached to it is a well enclosed garden and a few acres of ornamentally wood ground besides a farm of arable ground at present under cultivation it is the property and occasional residence of General Lowe. |
OS1/13/57/41 |
Clatto Hill
Clatto Hill
Clatto Hill |
Thomas King Bishoptown James Annan Lydox Mill Robert Scott Kemback |
011 |
[situation] North of Clatto.
A small hill of arable and wooded surface, on the Eastate of Clatto. On its summit is a Trignl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trignl. [Trigonometrical] Party Clatto Hill. |
OS1/13/57/41 |
41 Parish of St. Andrews Plan 11B Trace No. 5
[Note] Corsie Hill - for authorities etc see the Namelist for plan 6.D. page 31 o.m.o. |
OS1/13/57/42 |
Knock Hill
Knock Hill
Knock Hill |
Thomas King Bishoptown
Robert Scott Kemback
James Annan Lydox Mill |
011 |
[situation] About 3/4 of a mile N.E. [North East] from Clatto.
A small hill on the farm of Nydie its surface consists of arable and wooded ground it is of oval shape and on its eastern side is four or five small cot-houses and a smithy these are detached from each other in three separate places & are generally known by the name of the hill. |
OS1/13/57/42 |
Bishop's Wood
Bishop's Wood
Bishop's Wood
Bishop's Wood |
Mr. Hain. Farmer Claremont.
Thomas King. Bishoptown.
Robert Scott. Kemback
Lyon's Hist. [History] of St. Andrews |
011 |
[situation] About 1 mile East from Nether Magask.
A small piece of thickly wooded ground on the estate of Mount Melville. It consists of Fir Ash birch and Oak but chiefly the former. It is part of a large tract of ground known by the name of Magus Muir on which [an] Arch Bishop was formerly murdered the spot where this murder took place is within this wood hence the name. |
OS1/13/57/42 |
42 Parish of St. Andrews Plan 11B Trace No. 2 |
OS1/13/57/43 |
43 [Blank Page] |
OS1/13/57/44 |
44 [Blank Page] |
OS1/13/57/45 |
45 [Index Page]
Names of Objects -- Pages
Parish of Kemback -- 47
Blinkbonny -- 51
Blebo Craigs -- 56
Blebocraigs -- 58
Broomside -- 59
Church -- 50
Ceres Burn -- 53
Durdum -- 54
Flisk Quarry (sandstone) -- 61
Flisk -- 62
Greenside -- 60
Kemback House -- 49
Kemback Wood -- 51
Kinnaird -- 52
Kemback Quarry (sandstone) -- 52
Morton of Blebo -- 60
River Eden -- 53
Saw Mill -- 56
School (Free Church) -- 59
School -- 61
South Flisk -- 62
Old Grave Yard -- 63 |
OS1/13/57/46 |
46 [Blank Page] |
OS1/13/57/47 |
Kemback |
Toll Gazetteer
Stat. Acct. of Co. [Statistical Account of County]
The Sheriffs List of parishes of Co. [County]
Old Stat. [Statistical] Account
Sibbalds History of Fife
Oliver & Boyd's Almanac
County Map |
011 |
[situation] In the Eastern portion of the Co. [County] of Fife
A small parish in Fifeshire on the south bank of the river Eden, bounded on the east by the parishes of St. Andrews and Ceres, on the south by Ceres, on the North by Leuchars and Dairsie and on the west by Cupar. The greatest length which is from northeast to southwest is about three miles and varies from one to two miles in breadth. It is in the Presbytery of St. Andrews, and Synod of Fife, Patron The United College of St. Andrews. There are no detached portions belonging to, or within this parish. |
OS1/13/57/47 |
47 Parish of Kemback |
OS1/13/57/48 |
48 [Blank Page] |
OS1/13/57/49 |
Kemback House
Kemback House
Kemback House |
George Macgill Esq. Kemback
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. McLaren Kemback Manse
David Hepburn Kinnaird |
011 |
[situation] About 3/4 of a mile W by N [West by North] from Blebocraigs.
This is the mansion house of the Estate of Kemback. It is a very large building, consisting of four storeys, and is of plain architecture. To the original structure various additions have been made. Immediately behind the house is a large garden; North from which are the offices. Large parks, ornamented with fine timber surround the house, and at the entrance to the grounds from the main road is the Lodge. In close proximity is Kemback Wood in which is a large freestone quarry. The present proprietor is George MacGill Esq. Kemback. |
OS1/13/57/49 |
49 Parish of Kemback Plan 11B Trace 6 |
OS1/13/57/50 |
CHURCH [parish, Blebocraigs] |
Church |
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. McLaren Kemback Manse
David Hepburn Kinnaird
James Pride Dairsie Mill |
011 |
[situation] About 50 chains W. by S. [West by South] from Blebocraigs.
This is a plain gothic structure of recent erection, capable of containing 500 sitters. The average of attendance is 350, and the number of communicants is 230. The present Minister is the Revd. [Reverend] Mr. McLaren.
The ruins of the old parish Church are South from the present structure, around which is the grave yard. |
OS1/13/57/50 |
50 Parish of Kemback Plan 11B Trace 6
[Deleted pencilled notes "Old Parish Church" and Note:] The Church (Ruins) are on 11D |
OS1/13/57/51 |
Kemback Wood |
George McGill Esq. Kemback
Revd. Mr. McLaren Kemback Manse
David Hepburn Kinnaird |
011 |
[situation] About 30 chains N. by W. [North by West] from Blebocraigs.
This is a very extensive wood on the estate of the same name, it consists of firs and other trees. It is the property of George MacGill Esq. Kemback House. |
OS1/13/57/51 |
Blinkbonny |
Robert Forrest Occupier
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. McLaren Kemback Manse
David Hepburn Kinnnaird |
011 |
[situation] Adjoining Blebocraigs.
This is a small farm steading with dwelling and garden. the farm consists of 40 acres. It is occupied by Mr. Robert Forrest, the proprietor is Alexander Bethune Esq. Blebo. It forms part of the district called Blebo Craigs. |
OS1/13/57/51 |
51 Parish of Kemback Plan 11B Trace 6 |
OS1/13/57/51 |
McGill, MackGill, MacGill...note the variety of spellings in this and adjacent pages for Plans in this area. |
OS1/13/57/52 |
Kinnaird |
David Hepburn Occupier
James Pride Dairsie Mill
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. McLaren Kemback Manse |
011 |
[situation] About 65 Chains N.W. [North West] from Blebocraigs.
This is a very large farm steading with dwelling house and garden, occupied by Mr. David Hepburn, farmer. The proprietor is George MacGill Esq. Kemback House. |
OS1/13/57/52 |
KEMBACK QUARRY (Sandstone) |
Kemback Quarry |
Archibald Mitchell Tenant
David Hepburn Kinnaird
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. McLaren Kemback Manse |
011 |
[situation] In Kemback Wood.
This quarry yields freestone of a very superior quality, is on the estate of Kemback. It is the property of George MacGill Esq. by whom it is leased to Mr. Archibald Mitchell the present tenant. |
OS1/13/57/52 |
52 Parish of Kemback Plan 11B Trace 6 |
OS1/13/57/53 |
53 Parish of Kemback
River Eden: River Eden: River Eden: See Name Book Plan 11D [situation] Passes about 1 Mile West from Blebocraigs: Descriptive Remarks in Name Book Plan 11D
Ceres Burn: Ceres Burn: Ceres Burn: See Name Book Plan 11D [situation] About 30 chains South by East from Dairsie Mains: Descriptive Remarks in Name Book Plan 11D |
OS1/13/57/54 |
Durdum |
David Hepburn Kinnaird
James Pride Dairsie Mill |
011 |
[situation] About 60 Chains North by West from Blebo Craigs.
Two cottages one story high and in good repair with small gardens attached, the property of G. McGill Esqr. occupied by farm Labourers. |
OS1/13/57/54 |
54 Parish of Kemback Plan 11B Trace 6 |
OS1/13/57/55 |
55 [Blank Page] |
OS1/13/57/56 |
Blebo Craigs
Blebo Craigs |
James Wilson Blebo Craigs
Robert Adamson Blebocraigs |
011 |
[situation] Fronting the village of Blebocraigs.
A small hill of ridgelike shape, on the estate of Belbo its surface consists of rocky pasture, partially covered with furze and fir wood, from which object the village of Blebocraigs takes its name. |
OS1/13/57/56 |
SAW MILL [Blebocraigs] |
Saw Mill
Saw Mill |
Robert Adamson Blebocraigs
James Wilson Blebo Craigs |
011 |
[situation] S.W. [South West] end of Blebocraigs.
A small stone building in good repair, erected for, and used as a Saw Mill. it is worked by steam power and at present in good working repair it is the property of Robert Adamson. |
OS1/13/57/56 |
56 Parish of Kemback Plan 11B Trace 5 |
OS1/13/57/57 |
57 [Blank Page] |
OS1/13/57/58 |
Blebocraigs |
Thomas Thomson Schoolmaster Belbocraigs
Robert Adamson Wright Blebocraigs. |
011 |
[situation] About 40 chains S. by W. [South by West] from Clatto.
This name applies to a scattered village or rather a district interspersed with several houses one and two stories high all in good repair; with gardens attached. The whole of the houses are feued from Alexander Bethune Esqr. of Blebo. There is a Free Church school, a private School one public house, one grocery, one smithy, and a wright's shop. The inhabitants are chiefly small feuars, with a few weavers, agricultural laborers etc. |
OS1/13/57/58 |
58 Parish of Kemback Plan 11B Trace 5 |
OS1/13/57/59 |
SCHOOL (Free Church) [Blebocraigs] |
School |
John Ventres Schoolmaster Blebocraigs
Robert Adamson Wright BLebocraigs |
011 |
[situation] In the village of Blebocraigs.
A small house one story high and in good repair, large enough to afford accommodation to about 100 scholars, the average number of attendants is about 50. The branches taught are English, Latin, Writing, Arithmetic etc. John Ventres is the schoolmaster, his salary is the minimum allowed by Government, and the "Free Church Schoolmasters Fund" with what he receives for School fees. He has the schoolhouse free. |
OS1/13/57/59 |
Broomside |
Thomas Thomson Schoolmaster Blebocraigs
Robert Adamson Wright Blebocraigs |
011 |
[situation] About 30 chains East from Blebocraigs.
A row of cottages one story high and in good repair, with gardens attached. They are occupied by agricultural laborers. The property of James Pearson Esq. Wilkinston. |
OS1/13/57/59 |
59 Parish of Kemback Plan 11B Trace 5 |
OS1/13/57/60 |
Greenside |
Thomas Thomson Schoolmaster Blebocraigs
James Bruce Farmer Greenside |
011 |
[situation] About 40 chains E.S.E. [East South East] from Blebocraigs.
A small house one story high with offices, all in good repair there is a garden and a farm of about 36 acres of arable land attached. Tenanted by James Bruce. The property of Alexander Bethune Esqr. Blebo. |
OS1/13/57/60 |
Morton of Blebo
Morton of Blebo |
Thomas Thomson Schoolmaster Blebocraigs James Bruce Farmer Greenside |
011 |
[situation] About 25 chains S.E. by S. [South East by South] from Blebocraigs.
A small house one story high with offices and thrashing machine all in good repair; there is a garden and a farm of about 47 acres of arable land attached. Tenanted by Robert Lyall. The proprietor is Alexander Bethune Esqr. Blebo |
OS1/13/57/60 |
60 Parish of Kemback Plan 11B Trace 5 |
OS1/13/57/61 |
FLISK QUARRY (Sandstone) |
Flisk Quarry (sandstone) |
William Dunn Farmer South Flisk
Robert Foster Blebocraigs |
011 |
[situation] About 25 chains North from Blebocraigs.
A large freestone quarry which affords employment to about 20 men. Tenanted by William Buttercase Niddie [Nydie] Mill. The property of Alexander Bethune Esqr. Blebo. |
OS1/13/57/61 |
SCHOOL [parish, Blebocraigs] |
School |
Thomas Thomson Schoolmaster Blebocraigs
Robert Adamson Wright Blebocraigs |
011 |
[situation] In the Village of Blebocraigs.
A small house one story high, and in good repair, large enough to afford accommodation to about 80, the average number of attendants is about 50. Thomas Thomson is the schoolmaster, he has nothing but the School fees for his salary. The branches taught are English, Writing, Arithmetic etc. |
OS1/13/57/61 |
61 Parish of Kemback Plan 11B Trace 5 |
OS1/13/57/62 |
FLISK [house] |
Flisk |
Thomas Thomson Schoolmaster Blebocraigs
William Dunn Farmer South Flisk |
011 |
[situation] About 1/2 mile North from Blebocraigs.
A small house one story high with offices all in good repair there is a garden and a farm of about 18 cares of arable land attached. Tenanted by Robert Wishart. The property of Robert Wilson Esqr. Cupar. |
OS1/13/57/62 |
South Flisk |
Thomas Thomson Schoolmaster Blebocraigs William Dunn Farmer South Flisk |
011 |
[situation] About 25 chains North from Blebocraigs.
A small house one story high with offices all in good repair. There is a garden, and a farm of about 5 acres of arable land attached. Tenanted by William Dunn. The property of William Buttercase Niddie [Nydie] Mill. |
OS1/13/57/62 |
62 Parish of Kemback Plan 11B Trace 5 |
OS1/13/57/63 |
OLD GRAVE YARD [Kemback House] |
Old Grave Yard
Old Grave Yard |
Robert Scott Kemback
James Bell Lydox Mill |
011 |
[situation] About 10 chains N.W. [North West] from Kemback House.
A small grave yard in the demesne lands attached to Kemback house. It is enclosed by an old broken fence and is now covered over with mixed wood. there is only one tomb stone to be seen in it, and on this the figure of a woman is rudely carved. there is no date or other inscription on it. it has evidently been long disused as a burying ground. but there is no local knowledge of the date or probable period. |
OS1/13/57/63 |
63 Parish of Kemback Plan 11B Trace 6
[Note to "Old Grave Yard"] G. [German] Text.
[Note] Altho' the place may be well known - and called by the people in the locality - and by History - Old Grave Yard, yet the word Old should not be written on the plans - the character of the writing pointing to the age of the remains. o,m,o [Ordnance Map Office]
[Quotation] "There are in the grounds of Kemback the remains of and old burying ground but there is no trace of its history or of any building connected with it." New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] Co. [County of] Fife page 722-3.
[Note - arrowed to "no trace" in quotation] The grave yard - see page 50 - questioned in Descriptive remarks page 50 is [underlined] another place. it does not refer to this at all O.S.O. [Ordnance Survey Office] Edinbr [Edinburgh] |
OS1/13/57/64 |
64 [Blank Page] |
OS1/13/57/65 |
65 [Index Page]
Names of Objects -- Pages
Parish of Ceres -- 67
Nether Magask -- 67 |
OS1/13/57/66 |
66 [Blank Page] |
OS1/13/57/67 |
Nether Magask
Nether Magask |
James Bruce Farmer Nether Magask
Andrew Carstairs Farmer Tongues of Clatto |
011 |
About 65 chains E. by S. [East by South] from Blebocraigs.
A large house two stories high with offices and thrashing machine, all in good repair; there is a garden and a farm of about 145 acres of arable land attached. Tenanted by James Bruce. The property of A. M. Barclay Esqr. Paris House Perthshire. |
OS1/13/57/67 |
67 Parish of Ceres Plan 11B Trace 4
[Note] Parish of Ceres: Ceres: Parish of Ceres: See Name Book Plan 18A: [situation] In the Eastern Portion of the Co. [County] of Fife: For Descriptive Remarks See Name Book Plan 18A.
[signed] James Carpenter C Asst. [Civilian Assistant] 25th March 1854
[signed] H. James Cap. R.E. [Captain, Royal Engineers] 27 March 1854 |
OS1/13/57/68 |
68 [Title Page]
Co. [County of] FIFE
Names of Parishes -- Pages
Dairsie -- 1
Leuchars -- 19
St. Andrews -- 29
Kemback -- 45
Ceres -- 65 |