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[Page] 7Parish of Flisk.
The Castle of Balmbreich, which stands near the western extremity of the Parish is a large and very fine ruin picturesquely situated on a steep bank overhanging the river Tay surrounded by a number of fine trees and forms a noble object in the landscape as seen in sailing up or down the Tay. It appears originally to have been a large parallelogram 100 feet in length by 70 in breadth inclosing a courtyard in the centre. Three of the sides were formed by a high wall or curtain connecting the North and South sides of the castle together. The whole the doors to the different parts of the building opened into the Court yard and the principal entrance to the whole seems to have been on the north. When inhabitted it was surrounded by a ditch or moat the traces of which though pretty distinct some years ago are now very nearly effaced.This once magnificent castle has suffered sad ravages from time but greater still from the depredations of man as it long formed a convenient quarry for those who had buildings to erect either in its own neigbourhood or on the opposite banks of the Tay. This system of destruction has however been put a stop to and although probably about a third of the structure has been destroyed there is sufficient remaining of its original height to show what its extent and grandeur one was. The view given in the engraving is taken from the inside of the court yard and gives a much better idea of this noble ruin than mere verbal description can do. There is no date on any part of the ruins from which the period of its erection can be ascertained but. [Continued on Page 8]
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