
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Mr. Philips
Mr. Brown
Mr. Thompson
036 [Situation] ¼ Mile S [South] of Craigton farm house.
A Portion of Moss Marion partly Moss & Coarse Pasture to which the Feuers of Auchtertool have a Common right by an agreement with the Earl of Moray specified in their leases. The limits of the Common are from a point on the Burntisland branch of the Great North Road where a road leads East to Craigton 1250 links to where a drain crosses, which drain becomes the boundary running S.W. [South West] about 13 chains and E [East] by N [North] about 8 chains (which part begins to be called the Dronachy Burn) to the Road running S.W. [South West] from Craigton which now becomes the boundary for about 15 chains S.E. [South East] to the stone fence running S.W. [South West] to Parish Boundary 24½ chains which is it Western limits to the point at Craigton Road described

Continued entries/extra info

page 17
36A Trace 5 Parishes of Aberdour & Auchtertool

Note: Cullalo Hills & Cullalo Woods - See page 26

Note: Calelea - Infield ground one year under natural grass. Jameson.

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GreenflyNZ, Jill S