
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
W. Inglis
R. Drysdale
Chas [Charles] Spence, Southfod
035 [Situation] 25 chains NE [North East] of Muirhouses. A farm house and Offices on the lands of Southfod, it was formerly a farm but is now annexed to Southfod and the house occupd [occupied] by cottars.
PRAETORHILL QUARRY (Limestone) Praetorhill Limestone Quarry
Praetorhill Limestone Quarry
A. Greig
M. Inglis
035 [Situation] 15 chains NE [North East] of Muirhouses. An old limestone quarry which has not been in operation for a number of years and is now filled with water.

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Jill S