
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Mr Lawrie
Mr Todd Crossford
Fullarton's Gazetteer
Sir J. Sinclair's Stat. Acct [Statistical Account] of Scotland 1793
035 [Situation] N.E. [North East] corner of Pitfirrane ParK.
A neat and well built Village [on] the road leading from Dunfermline [to] Alloa, about one mile from the [?]. This village is feued off the [Pitfirrane] Estate, and consists of two [streets] or thoroughfares; the one leading southwards is Known as the [Waggon] Road. The houses are chiefly [one] story high, and occupied, for the [most] part, by weavers.There are in the [village one] school, a few grocers' shops, one baking establishment, and two p [public] houses to one of which a small brewery is attached for the [purpose] of making table beer.
SCHOOL [Crossford] School Mr Lawrie
Mr Todd Crossford
Mr Greig Crossford
035 [Situation] In Crossford Village
A plain building two stories [high] erected by public subscription In this school the children are [taught] the usual branches of ordinary English education. [The] management rests in a [Committee] who let it to an approved of [master?] for one or more years.
Teacher, Mr Greig, whose [salary] consists entirely of the school [fees]

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 4
Parish of Dunfermline -- Plan 35.C.

Transcriber's notes

Words lost in fold of page.

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Moira L- Moderator, Jill S

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