
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Collier Row
Collier Row
Mr Grier (Elgin Colliery)
Mr Truman (Rumblingwell)
Mr DanKs (Baldridgeburn street)
035 [Situation] Situated 9 chains N. [North] of Baldridgeburn Street.
A row of Colliers houses in indifferent repair of the farm of East Baldridge, proprietor Andrew M. Wellwood Esquire of Garvock.
DUNFERMLINE [Parish] Ph [Parish] of Dunfermline Plan 35A, 035 [Situation] Situated near the centre of Parish.
For descriptive remarKs of this parish see Name booK for Plan 35A,
TOWER BURN Tower Burn 035 [Situation] Running southerly near centre of Plan.
For descriptive remarKs of this Burn see Name booK from Sheet 4, page 32

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 3
Sheet 2 -- Trace 1 -- Town of Dunfermline

[Notes Tower Burn] -- see Sheet 1
Water of Ferm - or
Tower Burn - OMO
See N S. [Name Sheet] for Plan 35A - page 1 -

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Moira L- Moderator, Jill S

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