Fife and Kinross-shire volume 114

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info
OS1/13/114/1 1 [Index Page] PARISH of CUPAR SHEET 6. INDEX Names of Objects -- Pages Ballass Brick & Tile Works -- 7 Castlefield -- 6 Castlefield House -- 8 Cart Haugh -- 9 Edinburgh Perth & Dundee Railway -- 6 East T.P. [Toll Bar] -- 7 Eden Place -- 8 Lady Burn -- 9 River Eden -- 10 Site of St. Michael's Church of Tarvet and Grave Yard -- 11 Thomaston -- 6 The Fluthers -- 9
OS1/13/114/2 2 [Blank Page]
OS1/13/114/3 3 [Blank Page]
OS1/13/114/4 4 [Page Missing]
OS1/13/114/5 5 [Blank Page]
OS1/13/114/6 THOMASTON Thomaston Thomaston Thomaston Robert Russell Farmer Tailabout Thomas Galloway Farmer Cupar Johnston's Co. [County] Map [situation] About 5/8 of a mile E by N [East by North] of the Town of Cupar. A large farm house 3 story's high with Offices, thrashing machine, flour barley and Oat Mill with gardens and a large farm of arable land attached, tenanted by J & P Cameron, the property of J.H. Rigg Esq. Tarvit.
OS1/13/114/6 6 Cupar Sheet 6 Traces 1 & 2 Castlefield: Castlefield: For Descriptive remarks see Name Book of Sheet 5, Cupar Page 17 - Edinburgh Perth & Dundee Railway: Edinburgh Perth & Dundee Railway: For descriptive remarks see Name Book of Sheet 5 Cupar Page 88
OS1/13/114/7 BALLASS BRICK AND TILE WORKS Ballass Brick & Tile Works Ballass Brick & Tile Works Robert Russell, Tailabout T. Galloway Cupar [situation] About 3/4 of a mile E by S [East by South] of the town of Cupar. A number of Sheds and Kilns all in good repair, with a large Clay Pit attached. the property of Alexander Bogie Esq. Ballass.
OS1/13/114/7 EAST T.P. [Toll Bar] East Toll Bar East Toll Bar Mr. Sturrock Cupar Mr. Atherston Cupar [situation] About 16 chains E.N.E. [East North East] of the Town of Cupar. A toll gate at the junction of two roads leading from Cupar to St. Andrews and Anstruther, it has a small and neat built dwelling and garden attached and is the property of the Road trustees.
OS1/13/114/7 7 Cupar Sheet 6 Traces 4 & 6
OS1/13/114/8 EDEN PLACE Eden Place Eden Place Mr. A. Sturrock Cupar Mr. Atherston Cupar [situation] 1/4 of a Mile E.N.E. [East North East] of the Centre of the Town of Cupar. A row of dwelling houses two stories high in good repair and having small gardens attached to them, they are the property of different proprietors and are at present occupied.
OS1/13/114/8 CASTLEFIELD HOUSE Castlefield House Castlefield House Mr. A. Sturrock Cupar Mr. Atherston Cupar [situation] About 1/4 of a mile NW [North West] of the Town of Cupar. A large and handsome dwelling house 3 storys high with offices in good repair, attached to it is a small garden. it is the property and residence of Mr. Mitchell-
OS1/13/114/8 8 Cupar Sheet 6 Trace 1
OS1/13/114/9 9 Cupar Sheet 6 trace 1 The Fluthers: The Fluthers: The Fluthers: For descriptive remarks See Name Book of Sheet 5, Cupar page 43. [Note - The Fluthers] no room for this name on sheet 6 o,m,o [Ordnance Mapping Office] Cart Haugh: Cart Haugh: Cart Haugh: For descriptive remarks See Name Book of Sheet 5, Cupar page 23. Lady Burn: Lady Burn: Lady Burn: For descriptive remarks See Name Book of Sheet 5, Cupar Rivr Eden: River Eden: River Eden: For descriptive remarks See Name Book of Sheet 5, Cupar
OS1/13/114/10 10 [Blank Page]
OS1/13/114/11 Site of ST MICHAEL'S CHURCH OF TARVIT AND GRAVE YARD Site of the Church of the parish of St. Michael of Tarvit. Site of the Church of the parish of St. Michael of Tarvit Site of St. Michael's Church of Tarvit and Grave Yard Site of St. Michael's Church of Tarvit and Grave Yard Site of St. Michael's Church of Tarvit and Grave Yard Thomas Shaw Esq. Cupar Revd. [Reverend. J. Cochrane M.A. [Master of Arts] Minister Cupar Thomas Shaw Esq Cupar Peter Scott Cupar Peter Smyth Cupar [situation] About 15 chains S.E. by E. [South East by East] of the Town of Cupar. The site of the Parish Church of St, Michael of Tarvit is situated a little to the E. [East] of the Cupar Station, and on the railway. There was a small round hill on which the church stood called St. Michael's Hill, it along with Happy Hill, which was situated a little to the West of it; were removed through the operation of the railway. In 1617 the commissioners of King James VI [the Sixth] for enquiring into the state of churches, annexed the parish of St. Michael of Tarvit to that of Cupar; through the Archbishop of St. Andrews reporting that the College was very poor, that they were unable to repair the church which had become ruinous; or to pay an adequate stipend to an officiating minister, whose services were little needed; the parish although pretty extensive, being far from populous. So after that date the church was permitted to enter into decay. and the minister of Cupar got 100 Marks yearly for his extra duty. The date of its erection is not known.
OS1/13/114/12 12 Parish of Cupar Sheet 6 [Quotation] "Another striking remembrance of the olden times is a small conical eminence on the opposite side of the Eden and lying a little farther down the river than school hill. This which at the time of the last Stat. Acct: [Statistical Account] was under cultivation is now covered with a young thriving plantation belonging to the proprietor of Tarvit. It was the site of the Church of the parish of St. Michael and formed the burying ground of that parish A few years ago when an alteration was making upon the public road many of the depositories of the dead were broken open and the remains of their inmates brought to view after a repose of at least two centuries. This receptacle of the dead has thus been again converted into common earth. In the same manner has the burial ground of the parish of Cupar which lay at a remoter period at a distance of fully a mile to the northwest of the town and of the present burial ground, " etc. Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 1845 page 5 [Quotation] " Near the garden gate of Tarvet and on a farm belonging to the estate is a little knoll [where] the ancient Church of Tarvet stood. It was dedicated to St. Michael and hence was called St Michael of Tarvet. † Human bones were at one time often discovered here by the operations of the plough and also at the time the river Eden was straightened." † "It is found that St. Michaelis Kirk is unplanted and the parochmaris thairof being annexed to na uther neither subject to any particular ar verie offensive to all that ar adjacent to thame. It is thocht meitt thairfoir that the minister and sessioune of Coupar have ane cair of thame and hold thame under discipline. - Records of the Synod of Coupar April 1612 p. 51" Leighton's Hist [History] of Fife Vol. [Volume] 2, p. 39
OS1/13/114/13 13 Cupar Sheet 6. [Quotation] " The district of Cupar formed a parish in early times when the great parochial divisions of Crail, Kilrenny, Kilconquhar, St Andrews, Leuchars and a few others comprehended all the eastern part of the county. The small parish of St. Michael's lying on the South of the Eden was joined to that of Cupar in the beginning of the last century. The church belonging to the parish stood on that beautiful spot now known by the name of St. Michael's Hill. Human bones are still occasionally discovered in the fields when the operations of husbandry are going forward. The ruins of a small chapel situated near the eastern boundary of the lands of Kilmaron were to be seen not many years ago. - Old Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] vol. [Volume] 17 p. 147. [signed] James Carpenter C.Asst [Civilian Assistant] 7th November 1854 [signed] J.D.Kerr Capt.RE [Captain, Royal Engineers] 8th November 1854
OS1/13/114/14 14 [Title Page] OS1/13/114 Co. [County of] FIFE CUPAR SHEET 6. Names of Parishes -- Pages Cupar -- 1