
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Site of WEST PORT West Port (Site of)
West Port (Site of)
Thomas Shaw Esqr. Writer Cupar
John Howie Cupar.
[situation] The site of a port or Gate at the West end of Bonnygate.
The site of a gate across the Street called Bonnygate in the Town of Cupar. it was situated near the outer extremity of the above street and was a part of the fortifications by which the Town was formerly surrounded, no portion of the "gate" now remains and its site only can be pointed out.
Site of LADY PORT Lady Port
Lady Port
Thomas Shaw Esqr. Writer Cupar
John Howie Cupar
[situation] Nearly midway between Bonnygate and Lady Bridge about the Middle of Lady Wynd.
The Site of a gate which formerly Crossed the Lady Wynd in the Town of Cupar, it was formerly a part of the fortifications which Surrounded the Town of Cupar & And was constructed as a means of in and egress to the Town no portion of it now remains &c.

Continued entries/extra info

(29) Parish of Cupar Sheet 5 Trace No. 5

[Note - Site of West Port] German Text on plan o,m,o [Ordnance Map Office]
[Note - Site of West Port] Not written on six inch plan in consequence of to little space.

[Quotation - Site of Lady Port]
From an ancient plan of the town 1642 lately engraved from the original in the Advocates Library by the Abbotsford Club it appears that Cupar had anciently gates or ports, one of these stood at the west-end of the Bonny-gate Called the West - Port, one at the middle of the Lady Wynd called the Lady Port, one below the Castle called the East Port, one at the bridge called the Bridge Port, one at the mill-gate called the Mill-gate Port and another at the Kirkgate called the Kirk-gate Port. It is curious to observe from this plan how little alteration has since taken place in the streets of the town and that the name of both streets and lanes are still the same as they then were. Leighton's Hist [History] of Fife vol. [volume] II. p.10

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