
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
PARSONS MILL (Flax) Parsons Mill
Parsons Mill
Parsons Mill
Mr Robert Goodall
Mr Nicholson
Voters List 1832
031 [situaton] About 2 1/8 miles N.W. [North West] of Chapel
A low range of stone buildings for the manufacture of Flax Scutching or breaking the machinery of which is worked by water power there is a dwelling house for the occupier Mr Robert Millar and two or three tenements for persons employed Mr Ayton of Inchdarnie is the proprietor
East Bowhill
East Bowhill
East Bowhill
Mr Robert Goodall
Mr Nicholson.
Voters List 1832
County Map
031 [situation] About 2 1/8 miles N.W. [North West] of Chapel
A neat stone dwelling house is at present in Course of construction with farm Yard and gardens belonging thereto, the property of Mr Ayton now occupied by Mr Alexander Scott

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[Page] 28
Parish of Auchterderran -- Plan 31D

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