List of names as written | Various modes of spelling | Authorities for spelling | Situation | Description remarks |
MADRAS COLLEGE | Madras College Madras College Madras College Madras College Madras School |
Mr Smeaton Teacher Madras College Mr Cruikshanks Postmaster Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account for Scotland] 1845 Fullartons Gazett [Gazetteer] of Scotland 1847 Lyon's Hist. [History] of St Andrews |
012 | A large quadrangular building on the south side of South Street built in the Elizabethan Style of Architecture, and having a courtyard at the inside from which the different Classrooms are entered through a [--] which is erected round the exterior of the yard and connected with the building It was founded by a deed or gift of the late Rev Dr Bell to which he gave a munificent sum for the purposes of education in St Andrews and invested the same in different Trustees. The average attendance of Pupils are about 800, of both Sexes who receive instructions in all the branches of English literature as also Latin, Greek, French, Italian, German etc for any who are inclined |
Continued entries/extra info
[Page] 51Parish of St Andrews Sheet 1 Trace 10
About 4 Chains S. [South] of South Street [Situation]
Transcriber's notes
Description continues on Pages 52, 53 and 54.Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
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