Essential website maintenance

On Tuesday 11 June, a small number of our websites started experiencing some infrastructure-related issues. We are working to restore the functionality affected by these issues and anticipate this will be resolved by next week.


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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
PORTMOAK [Parish] Parish of Portmoak
Parish of Portmoak
Parish of Portmoak
Parish of Portmoak
Parish of Portmoak
Parish of Portmoak
Fullerton's Gazetteer
New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]
Old Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]
The Sheriff's Co. [County] List
Chalmers Caledonia
Oliver & Boyds Almanack
016; 022; 023; 030; 031 [Situation] Near the Centre of the County of Fife.
A parish in Kinrossshire lying between Loch Leven and the boundary with Fifeshire. It is bounded on the North west by the Parish of Orwell; on the North east by Strathmiglo and Falkland; on the East by Leslie; on the South by Auchterderran and Ballingry; and on the West by Cleish, Kinross and Loch Leven. A farm belonging to it, and measuring about 140 acres, lies detached in the Fifeshire parish of Kinglassie. The main body consists of two distinct and almost dissevered parts. The larger section lies all on the East side of Loch Leven, is bounded along the south by the River Leven, and measuring in extreme length from North north west to South South east 5 miles, and in extreme breadth in the opposite direction 3½ Miles. The Smaller Section lies principally along the South Side of Loch Leven, is connected with the former section by a neck of only 3 furlongs at the mouth of the River Leven. The Superficial area of the whole parish is about 6404 Scotch acres.
Abridged from Fullerton's Gazetteer, & New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]
A small detached portion of the parish is Situated within the parish of Kinglassie, but no portion of any other parish is Situated within it.

Continued entries/extra info

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  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

DANIALSAN, GreenflyNZ, MaxInSpain , Jill S