
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Cleish District Trust
Mr. Williamson
Andrew Douie Esqr
030 Under the designation Cleish District Turnpike Roads are Comprehended several portions of highways on which only one Toll Bar is placed i.e. at Cleish, under an act of Parliament. The Roads are Clearly defined in the said Act which is in the possession of the Clerk to the Trust. The Road on 30B under this Trust is part of that from Leslie to Nivingston lying in the Parishes of Portmoak and Cleish and County of Kinross and passing through the lands of Vane, the Bracklys to the Great North Road at Gairneybridge Farm.

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Note: Not now Written.

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DANIALSAN, GreenflyNZ, MaxInSpain , Jill S