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1 (Index Page)
Parish of --- Extra- Parochial
Names of objects.... Pages
Altarstones -- 5
Black Heugh -- 11
East Tarbet -- 10
Horse Hole -- 6
Holymans Road -- 8
Isle of May -- 3
Kirk Haven --14
Lighthouse -- 7
Lady's Cave -- 12
Lady's Well -- 13
Mill Door -- 11
Maiden Hair -- 13
Maidens Bed -- 17
North Ness -- 9
Norman Rock -- 9
Pilots' House -- 8
Pilgrims Haven -- 13
South Ness -- 14
Site of Village -- 15
The Middens -- 6
The Low Light -- 7
The Pool -- 10
The Pilgrims -- 18
The Pillow -- 14
West Tarbet -- 5
Chapel (Ruins of) --
Tarbethole -- 17 |
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[Page] 2
[Blank Page] |
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Isle of May
Isle of May
Island of May
Island of May
Island of May or Isle of May
The May or Isle of May
Isle of May
Isle of May
Isle of May
Island of May |
Old Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] vol 21 Index
Old Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] vol 3. p. 84
Old Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] vol 4 p375
Old Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] vol 9 p 449
Stat. Acct of Fifesh. [Statistical Account of Fifeshire]
Fullartons Gazeteer
Johnstons Co. [County] Map
Sibbalds Hist. [History] of Fife
Butlers Lives of the Saints
Rev. [Reverend] William Merson Crail |
028 |
[Situation] - About 7½ Miles S. by E. [South by East] from Fife Ness
A small Island in the mouth of the Frith of Forth, lying 6 miles South from the burgh of Crail and about the Same distance from Anstruther-Wester. The shores are precipitous, but the surface is upon the whole flat: hence perhaps the name May or Magh, which in Celtic signifies 'a Plain'. The western extremity which is the broadest presents cliffs of about 160 feet in elevation, with a tendency towards the Columnar structure. The eastern extremity subsides into a long low ridge or reef. Kittiwakes, Auks, Guillemots, terns, titlarks, cormorants, and gannets are the species of birds commonly seen upon it. It has a well of fine water and a small lake And Affords excellent sheep pasture. There are upon it the ruins of a priory* which formerly belonged to the Abbey of Pittenweem; And of a chapel which was dedicated to St Adrian,who was killed by the Danes in 870 And buried here. The Saints Shrine was formerly much resorted to in cases of barrenness. Alexander Cummingham of Barns obtained a Charter from Charles I of this island with liberty to build a lighthouse for which a tax was imposed on all ships passing up the Forth. He erected a tower 40 feet high on the top of which.... |
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[page] 3
Parish of (Extra - Parochial)
*No ruins here now. See notes in [pen] - at the end of this book |
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..a fire of coals was constantly kept burning. This proved of much service to the navigation of the Firth, although vessels would often run within half a mile of the island before the light was discernible. The architect of this tower is said to have been drowned on his return from the island in a storm supposed to have been raised by some old women who were in consequence burned as witches. With the estate of Barns, the island was purchased by Scott of Scotstarvet upwards of 120 years ago and came to the late General Scott of Balcomie, by whose daughter the Duchess of Portland it was sold for £60,000 to the Comissioners for Northern Lights. In 1815 -16 they built the lighthouse and fitted it up with oil lamps and reflectors. The beacon was lit up on the new place on Feb 1st 1816. The light resembles a star of the first magnitude and may be seen from all points of the compass at the distance of about 7 leagues, and is elevated 240 feet above the medium level of the sea. A rent of £21 is received by Government for the pasturage and birds on the island. The only inhabitants are the two lightkeepers and their families.
Abridged from Fullartons Gazeteer of Scotland. |
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[Page] 4
Parish of
[Note] This Island is Extra Parochial.
The correspondence regarding it will shortly
be forwarded.
. |
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WEST TARBET [Isle of May] |
West Tarbet
West Tarbet |
John Grierson Isle of May
Alexander Craill Isle of May |
028 |
[Situation] - About 25 Chains N.W. [North West] from Lighthouse.
A very Small bay on the West side of the Isle of May Same description as East Tarbet |
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ALTARSTONES [Isle of May] |
Altarstans |
John Grierson Isle of May
Alexander Craill Isle of May
Sibbalds Hist. [History] of Fifeshire |
028 |
[Situation] - About 25 Chains N.W. [North West] from Lighthouse.
This is the only and proper landing place at the West Side of the Island where Easterly winds are perdant all Vessels Come here and When the Wind is from the West they go round to Kirk Haven at the east Side but there is no good anchorage here. origin of the name not Known. |
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[page] 5
Parish of
Island of May |
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Horse Hole
Horse Hole |
John Grierson Isle of May
Alexander Craill Isle of May |
028 |
[Situation] About 20 Chains N.W. [Northwest] from Light House
An opening between two precipitous rocks a little to the south of Altarstones. Origin not known. |
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THE MIDDENS [Isle of May] |
The Middens
The Middens |
John Grierson isle of May
Alexander Craill Isle of May |
028 |
[Situation] About 13 Chains N.E. [Notheast] by E. [East] from Light House.
These large and dangerous rocks on the east Side of the island. They are visible at high water. Called the Middens from the Circumstance of the Cinders or other refuse from the light house been thrown out here. |
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[Page] 6 Island of May |
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THE LOW LIGHT [Isle of May] |
The Low Light
The Low Light |
John Grierson Isle of May
Alexander Craill Isle of May |
028 |
[Situation] About 10 Chains N. by E. [North by East] from Light House.
A circular tower about 30 feet high erected on the east Side of the Island. Vessels when rounding Fife Ness by keeping this and the upper Lighthouse in line keep clear of the Carr Rocks. The light can only be Seen When in line with the upper lighthouse. |
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LIGHTHOUSE [Isle of May] |
Lighthouse |
John Grierson Isle of May
Alexander Craill Isle of May |
028 |
[Situation] About the centre of the Isle of May
A substantial and well built building erected by the Comissioners of the Northern Lights in the year [blank] The Square building at the bottom is the residence of the three light keepers with the necessary store rooms. This building is two storeys high; There is two neatly fitted up rooms for the comissioners on the 2nd flat. The whole is surmounted by a circular Stone Building with glass dome and the height is about 50 Feet. The light is Stationary and bright to distinguish it from Inch Keith and the Bell Rock. It can be Seen at a great distance and has proved of great Service to Vessels entering the Firth of Forth, the whole of the interior is kept very clean and neat. Each of the lightkeepers has a Small piece of ground and garden also neat built out offices for keeping cows of which each of the keepers has one and a few sheep which gathers some scanty herbage
D. Mason |
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[Page] 7 Island of May |
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HOLYMANS ROAD [Isle of May] |
Holymans Road
Holymans Road |
John Grierson Isle of May
Alexander Craill Isle of May |
028 |
[Situation] About 6 Chains N.E. [Northeast] from Lighthouse
A hollow between two ridges of rocks leading from the Low Lighthouse to a little below the Pilots House. |
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PILOTS' HOUSE [Isle of May] |
Pilots' House
Pilots' House |
John Grierson Isle of May
Alexander Craill Isle of May |
028 |
[Situation] East side of Lighthouse
This was the lighthouse prior to the present one being built but it was only a fire lighted and put on the top of the house. So insecure was this fire at the time of being used that a whole family one child excepted was Killed by the fumes of Sulphur. It is now used as a lookout for Pilots. |
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[Page] 8
Parish of Island of May |
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North Ness
North Ness |
John Grierson Isle of May
Alexander Craill Isle of May |
028 |
[Situation] About 40 Chains N.N.W. [North North West] from lighthouse.
This name applies to the most Northern portion of the Island of May. There is no pasture here nothing but the bare rocks |
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Norman Rock
Norman Rock |
John Grierson Isle of May
Alexander Craill Isle of May |
028 |
[Situation] North Western extremity of Isle of May
A small rock covered at high [tide] situate a little to the North of Northness |
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[Page] 9
Parish of Island of May |
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THE POOL [Isle of May] |
The Pool |
John Grierson Isle of May
Alexander Craill isle of May |
028 |
[Situation] About 40 Chains N.W. [North West] from Light House
A pool of water left after the Sea recedes from High Water Mark. |
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East Tarbet
East Tarbet |
John Grierson Isle of May
Alexander Craill Isle of May |
028 |
[Situation] About 20 Chains N.W. [North West] from [Light House]
A small bay on the East Side of the Isle of May but it affords no Security of any kind for vessels as the bottom is all rocks. At Spring tides this is joined to West Tarbet |
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Parish of Island of May |
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Black Heugh
Black Heugh
Black Heugh
Black Heugh |
James Laird Fisherman Crail
Mr Crilie Lightkeeper Island of May
Mathew Laird Crail
Alexander Tailor Crail |
028 |
[Situation] About 20 Chains S.E. [Southeast] from Light House
This name refers to a bleak rocky ridge on the west side of the island extending from "Mill Door" to Pilgrim Haven. |
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Mill Door
Mill Door |
James Laird Crail
Mr Crilie Isle of May |
028 |
[Situation] About 10 Chains S.S.E. [South South East] from Light House.
A natural passage through the rock between two Small Creeks made by the action of the waves. It is Situated on the S.W. [South West] side of the Lighthouse |
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[Page] 11
Parish of Island of May Trace B |
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Obvious conflict between the two position references i.e. "10 chains S.S.E" and "S.W"
SW is the correct direction. |
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Lady's Cave
Lady's Cave |
James Laird Fisherman Crail
Mr Crilie Lightkeeper Island of May |
028 |
[Situation] Adjoining Pilgrim's Harbour.
A natural Cave in the rock on the N.E. [North East] side of Pilgrims Haven. Said to have been occupied for some years by a Lady who was put ashore on the island by her husband and then deserted her. She was Supported while living in the Cave by the families of the fishermen who at the period resided on the Island. |
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CHAPEL (Ruins of) [Isle of May] |
Chapel |
James Laird Crail
Revd. [Reverend] W Merson Crail.
Mr Crilie |
028 |
[Situation] About 15 Chains S.S.E. [South South East] from Light House.
A ruin Said to be the remains of a Chapel situated in the Southern end of the island. The walls are in good preservation and nearly entire: it is now used as a place for sheltering Cattle in Stormy weather.
I could not ascertain any tradition concerning the date of its erection or by whom it was built. |
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Parish of Island of May Trace B
[Quotation] "This island (May) once famous for the Cure
of barren women, belonged at one time to the
monks of Reading for whom David I founded a
monastery which was afterwards dedicated to
St Adrian, whose body was buried there, And
whose Coffin, cut out of Stone is still exhibited in
the ruins of the Chapel. " Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] of Fife page 943. |
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Pilgrims Haven |
Mr Crilie Lighthousekeeper Isle of May.
James Laird Fisherman Crail
Sibbalds history of Fife.
Matthew Laird Alexander Tailor |
028 |
[Situation] About 30 Chains S.S.E. [South South East] from Light House
A Small bay or creek on the West Side of the Island near its south end Some times used as a landing place during easterly winds |
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Lady's Well |
Mr Crilie Isle of May
James Laird Crail |
028 |
[Situation] About 33 Chains S.S.E. [South South East] from Light House.
A Spring Well in Pilgrims Haven close to the Sea Side. The water is of An indifferent quality and Seldom used except for Cattle. |
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Maiden Hair |
Mr Crilie Isle of May
James Laird Crail |
028 |
[Situation] About 60 Chains S.S.E. [South South East] from Light House.
A rugged rock on the South West end of the island jutting into the sea and covered at high Water. |
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[Page] 13
Parish of Island of May
Pilgrims Haven
Lady's Well
Maiden Hair |
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The Pillow |
Mr Crilie Lightkeeper Island of May
James Laird Fisherman Crail |
028 |
[Situation] About 30 Chains E.S.E. [East South East] from Light House.
A small narrow channel immediately east of "Kirk Haven" through which fishing boats have ingress and egress at full tides. |
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KIRK HAVEN [Isle of May] |
Kirk Haven
Kirk Haven |
Mr. Crilie Isle of May
James Laird Crail |
028 |
[Situation] About 30 Chains E.S.E. [East South East] from Light House.
A small bay on the east Side of the island. Near its Southern end used as a harbour. There is also a Small Stone pier in it which was erected by the Commissioners of Lighthouses to facilitate the landing of Stores etc for the lighthouse. |
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SOUTH NESS [Isle of May] |
South Ness
South Ness |
Mr Crilie Isle of May
James Laird Crail |
028 |
[Situation] South Eastern extremity of Isle of May
The South east point of the Island of May |
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[Page] 14
Parish of Island of May |
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Site of VILLAGE [Isle of May] |
Village (site of)
Village (Site of) |
Rev [Reverend] William Merson.
James Laird Fisherman Crail |
028 |
[Situation] About 30 Chains S.E. [Southeast] from Light House
Immediately South of the ruins of the Chapel is the Site of a fishing village which existed her some centuries back but of which there is Scarcely a vestige now remaining, except some small portions of the foundations of some of the houses. |
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[Page] 15
Parish of..
Site of Village
[Note - should be Site of a Village o.m.o [Ordnance Mapping Office] |
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16 [Blank page] |
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Turpithol |
Mathew Laird Fisherman Crail
Alexander Taylor Fisherman Crail
Sibbalds Hist. [History of Fifeshire] |
028 |
[Situation] About 13 Chains N.by W. [North by West] from Light House
A small creek on the east side of the island and a little south of East Tarbet, sometimes used by fishing boats as a harbour. |
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Maidens Bed
Maidens Bed |
Mathew Laird Crail
Alexander Taylor Fisherman Crail |
028 |
[Situation] South Eastern extremity of Isle of May
This name applies to a small rocky bay at the South end of the island Said to have derived the name from a Vessel called the Maiden which was wrecked here. |
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[Page] 17
Plan of the Island of May |
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The Pilgrims
The Pilgrims |
Rev. [Reverend] Mr Merson Crail
Mathew Laird Crail |
028 |
[Situation] About 18 Chains S.S.E. [South South East] from Light House
This name applies to two Spiral rocks rising nearly perpendicularly out of the Sea on the west Side of the Island and contiguous to Pilgrims Haven |
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18 Plan of the Isle of May
[signed] "James Carpenter C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] 23rd Dec. 1853"
[Signed] W James. Capt.R.E. [Captain, Royal Engineers] 30 Dec. 1853 |
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O.S.O. [Ordnance Survey Office] Edinburgh
22nd Sept. 1853.
Plan of the Isle of May.
In Sibbalds History of Fife
it is said 'There was a priory
here for Some monks of the
order of St Augustine it was
a cell belonging to St Andrews
and was much repaired to
for the great reputation of
St Adrians Chapel for that
he was buried there being
murdered by the Danes before they
attacked Fife and is said to have
cured many barren women" etc.
Enquiry to be made Concerning
the "Site of Priory" noticed
in the above history and the
Site or remains or ruins as
the Case may be to be Shewn
on trace and Descriptive Remarks
to be written.
Also is this St. Adrians Chapel
which is Shewn on trace and
designated Chapel (ruins of)?
as noticed in the Hist. [History] above referred
to. In the above history
there is also noticed "Four places
where boats could harbour Called
Tarpithol, Altarstans, Pilgrims
haven and Kirk haven," The
first of these has not been noticed
by the examiners. Enquiry to
be made Concerning the name
"Tarpithol" also enquire th...
Cupar 15th December 1853
The Revd [Reverend]. Mr Merson of Crail
says that little or no reliance
Can be placed on any tradition
among the inhabitants of Crail
beyond what is stated in the
Statistical account of the County
and in Lyons Hist. of St Andrews.
JM Diarmid C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
The site of the Priory Cannot
be ascertained. There is not
a vestige of it now remaining
to point out the spot where it stood. [Initialled] JMD
This chapel is said to
be a more modern erection
than St Adrians Chapel, And
was erected on the site of
St Adrians; for the accommodation
of a number of fishermens
families who resided on the Island.
Tarbethole is now Supplied.
See Name Sheet and Trace. J.M.D. |
OS1/13/1/20 |
[Note contd from P 19]
... proper spelling and write Descriptive Remarks etc.
Is there a place at the S.E. [South East]
end of the island called Maidensbed:
Enquiry to be made and
descriptive remarks to be written.
Also authority to be given
for the name The Pilgrims.
Pilgrim Haven. Should
not this be written Pilgrim's
Haven? not Pilgrim Haven?
Black Haugh, "A black rocky
ridge on the west side of the
island " etc.
This name is rather doubtful
Haugh is a designation for
low ground but Heugh is
often applied to such objects,
as the one above described.
Therefore Should not the
name be Black Heugh?
Will you have the goodness
to give as much information
as you can get concerning
the priory and of St Adrians
Chapel referred to in another
part of this sheet .
Supplied. See Trace &
form 21 sent herewith.
Pilgrims' Haven is the
correct name. Revd [Reverend] Mr Merson
and Mathew Laird Crail may be
used for Authorities.
Black Heugh is the correct
name. It was written Haugh
in mistake.
Mathew Laird Fisherman Crail
Alexander Tailor Fisherman Crail.
The only information I was
able to gather Concerning the
Priory & St Adrians Chapel
was only a repetition of what
is stated in the New Stat: Acc: [New Statistical Accout]
by the Rev. [Reverend] W. Merson of Crail
and Sibbalds History of Fife. J.M.D |
OS1/13/1/21 |
....Concerning the monastery
of the Isle of May you will
find the most accurate acct. [account]
of it in Lyons Hist [History] of St.
Andrews vol 1 page 40.
"A monastery existed here
prior to 874. In that year St.
Adrian was killed here by the
Danes as were also 6600 other
Christians. Afterwards a great
monastery was built of polished
Stones in honour of St Adrian
the church of which enriched
by his relics was a place of
great devotion. A fragment
of a stone coffin still remains
in the island which tradition
has long asserted to have been
the depository of the bones of
the Saint".
From the few inhabitants at
present in the Isle of May it is
probably very little information could
be obtained. Perhaps the minister
of Crail could give some information
as to the objects here enquired or
at least might direct you where
such could be obtained. However
the principal objects are two, viz.
Tarpithol, and The Monastery. Then
maybe some person in the neighbourhood
of Crail having some knowledge of....contd.
[signed] By Order
R. Quin
Corpl. RS&M [Corporal Royal Sappers & Miners] |
OS1/13/1/22 |
[page] 22
..the island and of its history
which perhaps you may find
out while making enquiry in
that locality. |
OS1/13/1/23 |
Co. [County of] Fife.
Plan 28C
Names of Parishes...Pages.
(Extra Parochial) |