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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
WATERLOO BRIDGE (co) [County] Waterloo bridge (Co) [County] Thomas Lee Haddington
Andrew Beatson Nungate
002 A neat and substantial built bridge of one arch over the River Tyne on the road leading from Haddington to Lennoxlove, Coalston & Bolton. Built & kept in repair by the Road Trustees.
BRAE HEADS Brae Heads Thomas Lee Haddington
Andrew Beatson Nungate
002 A very steep bank on the south side of the River Tyne covered with Trees the property of Lord Blantyre, Lennoxlove.
WATERLOO BRIDGE T.P. Waterloo Bridge Turnpike Post Thomas Lee Haddington
Andrew Beatson Nungate
Name Board
002 A cottage one storey high and in good repair built for and used for collecting Toll the property of the Road Trustees.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 38
List of Names collected by D Mason Lce Corpl [Lance Corporal] RS&M [Royal Surveyors & Miners]

[Brae Heads] [signed] J Carpenter @ Haddington 20th Octr 185[3] [20 Oct 1853]
[Waterloo Bridge TP] [signed] H James Cap [Captain] RE [Royal Engineers] 31 Oct 1853

[Signed] D Mason

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