
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
FALSIDE WILL Falside Hill Archibald McKinley, James Smeaton 013 A Small hill of arable Surface on the farm of Meikle Falside. On its Summit is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party "Fellside".
MEIKLE FALSIDE Meikle Falside Archibald McKinley, James Smeaton - Elphnstone 013 A small farm house and office houses all in good repair. Attached to it is a farm of ground the property of Sir George Suttie of Preston Grange. Within the farm yard is the ruins of "Falside Castle".

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Parish of Tranent --[Page] 19

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