
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BROADWOOD Broadwood Philip Sleigh Innerwick
James Golightly Innerwick
012 A Considerable Farm of arable and pasture land with outhouses and dwelling houses it is the property of Mrs Ferguson and farmed by P Sleigh
CAMES WELL Cames Well Philip Sleigh Innerwick
James Golightly Innerwick
012 A very copious Spring of excellent water about 1/4 Mile South of Broadwood Farm it was formerly much resorted to by people Sporting
BLACKCASTLE HILL Blackcastle Hill Philip Sleigh Innerwick
James Golightly Innerwick
012 A tolerable large Hill of considerable elevation on the farm of Broadwood the Soil is pasture and on the Summit is a Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station to the east of which is the remains of a camp of which I could obtain no information

Continued entries/extra info

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List of names collected by Corpl [Corporal] Rogers RS [Royal Sappers] & Miners
Plan 12 B Trace 3

Parish - Innerwick

Broadwood - A Farm
Cames Well - A Spring
Blackcastle - A Hill

[Signed] by William Rogers Corpl [Corporal] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]

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