
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
OLDHAMSTOCKS [parish] Parish of OldhamstocKs
Parish of OldhamstocKs
Parish of OldhamstocKs
Parish of OldhamstocKs
Stat Acct [Statistical Account] 1841
Full. [Fullerton's] Gazetteer
Johnstons Co. [County] Map
List of Farms Co [County] Haddington
012 ; 016 ; 017 [Situation] On the S.E. [South East] Side of the Co [County] Haddington
A parish partly in the North of Berwickshire, but chiefly in the extreme East of Haddingtonshire, and consisting of a main body and a small detachment. The area of the latter part is nearly a square 1 1/2 Mile and lies all in Berwickshire. about 1 3/4 Miles east of the Southern part of the Main body. The main body is bounded on the North east by the German Ocean on the East by Berwickshire. and on the S. [South] West. West. and N [North] west by Innerwick. Its greatest length measures curvingly along its centre about 8 1/2 miles, and its breadth varies from 1 to 2 1/2 miles. The coast is bold and rocky and extends about 1 1/2 miles The soil is general sharp & fertile toward the sea, but moorish toward the South. This parish is in the Presbytery of Dunbar and Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale. Patron Hunter of Thurston.

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