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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Broadwood Burn
Mr. J. Henderson
Mr. P. Sligh
012 [Situation] Passing north Side of Broadwood farm house.
A Considerable stream which rises near Emmerscleugh and flows thro' [through] a deep Valley in an Easterly Direction by Thornton Mains & Broadwood to where it is Joined by Ogle Burn; it thence taKes the name of Thornton Burn to its Junction with the Sea near Thorntonloch It is well Known to Mr. Sligh who has resided here upwards of Sixty Years; and to several old Resident Farm Servants &c whom I met, by this name
BROADWOOD HOWES Broadwood Howes Mr. J. Henderson
Mr. P. Sligh
012 [Situation] About 5/8 mile S [South] by E [East] of InnerwicK village.
This Name applies to the Junction of Three Howes or of Valleys, South of Broadwood, on the Farm of Innerwick, and is very well Known in the Neighbourhood."
BASTILE ROCKS Bastile Rocks Mr. J. Henderson
Mr. P. Sligh
012 [Situation] About 1/2 mile SE [South East] of InnerwicK village.
A Picturesque group of large rocks on Broadwood Burn, overgrown with Furze & underwood. but perfectly Visible, from their bold & Elevated Position They are very well Known by this name to the Residents of the neighbourhood, several of whom I have Consulted, but Could not obtain a derivation of the Name.

Continued entries/extra info

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Parish of Innerwick
Plan 12 B.

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Bizzy- Moderator, Molly Miller

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