
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Mr Straiton
J. Balden
List of Ploughgates Johnston's Map of Co [County]
010 [Situation] About ⅝ Mile South from Lennoxlove
An elegant mansion, with offices, garden, and ornamental ground attached, pleasantly Situated on a Small eminence in a Small but neatly laid out enclosure planted with trees Many of which are of a large [growth] and Majestic appearance; the property of the Marquis of Dalhousie. There is a strange heirloom [with] which the welfare of the family was [formerly] Said to be connected , namely - a pear which has existed in all probability, five hundred years; it has been removed Some time ago to Dalhousie Castle.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 22 -- Parish of Haddington
Form 136
Page 61 - Coalston

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