
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
COALSTON T.P. Coalston Toll Bar
Coalston Toll Bar
Rate Board
George Black
010 [Situation] About 23 Chains S. [South] East from Monkrig
A toll bar with house for Collector, the property of the Road Trustees.
MITCHELHALL Mitchellhall
John Johnston
George Black
Rent Receipts
Johnston's Map
Forrest's Co. [County] map 1799
010 [Situation] About 18 chains East from Monkrig
A dwelling house with some offices, and a small garden attached, The property of Hon [Honourable] Mrs. Keith and occupied by John Johnston.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 18
Parish of Haddington
Form 136
Page 56 - Coalston TP [Turn pike]
59 Mitchellhall

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Chr1smac -Moderator, Douglas Montgomery

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