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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
STANDINGSTONE Standingstone Mr Robert Durie Standingstone
Mr Alexander Lumsden Nether Hailes
010 A farm House with suitable offices attached, having a thrashing Machine on the premises propelled by Steam power, the name is taken from an Ancient Standing Stone at the rear of the Offices. It is Occupied by Mr Robert Durie, Earl of Wemyss, proprietor
CANTYHALL Canty Hall Mr Robert Durie Standingstone
Mr Alexander Lumsden Nether Hailes
010 Two Cottages occupied by farm labourers, on the lands of Standingstone
STANDINGSTONE Standing Stone (Ancient) Mr Robert Durie Standingstone
Mr Alexander Lumsden Nether Hailes
010 A pillar about 9 feet high at the rear of Standingstone farm House There is a tradition current in the Neighbourhood that Two giants, one standing on Traprain Law and the other on BlaiKie Heugh, were playing a game of finger stone when the former cast his here and the other about 1/4 of a mile nearer to the Law. However it is far more Consistent to believe they marK the site of the remains of some Cheiftan as several rude stone Coffins have been found in the Neighbourhood of them,

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 67
List of Names collected by James McAnulty
Plan 10 - Letter B - Trace 5

Parish - Morham

[signed] James McAnulty

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