
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
THE MOUNT The Mount William Pride Penston
Thomas Moon Penston
009 A small arable Knoll on the Farm of Westbank & property Ballie Cochrane Esqr.
Site of GLADSMUIR KIRK Gladsmuir Old Kirk (Site of) 009 The Site of a church formerly the Parsh church of Gladsmuir there is nothing left at this present day to indicate the place where either the Church or Grave Yard was, there was a quantity of bones dug out of the small enclosure North of the present houses this is said to have been the Grave yard
GLADSMUIR OLD KIRK Gladsmuir Old Kirk William Pride
Thomas Moon
009 Three cottages in good repair occupied by cottars the property of Lord Ruthven it derives its name from the church having at one time Stood immediately to the West of the houses

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 54
Parish of Gladsmuir

[signed] D. Mason

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Bizzy- Moderator, Douglas Montgomery

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