
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
GREENDYKES Greendykes Adam Wilson
James Turnbull Gladsmuir
009 A large farm house in good repair with out offices and a farm of land attached the property of Sir T.B. Ross
DRUMBURN Drumburn Adam Wilson
James Turnbull
009 A small row of cottages on the farm of Hoperidge occupied by cotters in middling repair
GLADSMUIR [village] Gladsmuir Adam Wilson
James Turnbull
009 A small village consisting of three irregular rows of houses chiefly one Storey high and in good repair the houses are mostly occupied by farm labours. there is a Ph. [Parish] Church & School in the village also a Manse a Post Office & an Inn but no place of note. The property of J. Anslie Esqr. Elphingston

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 45
Parish of Gladsmuir

[signed] D Mason

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Bizzy- Moderator, Douglas Montgomery

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