
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Site of GLADSMUIR KIRK Gladsmuir Old Kirk (Site of)
Gladsmuir Old Kirk (Site of)
William Pride
Thomas Moor
009 [Situation] About 2 miles West from Samuelston
The site of an ancient Church which was used as the parish Church prior to 1695 when it was allowed to go into decay. not a vistige of it now remains, Some years ago a quantity of human bones were turned up in a small enclosure on the N. [North] side of the houses Called Gladsmuir Old Kirk.
"The Kirk at Thrieplaw continued as a place of worship till the erection of the present church in 1695, when it was allowed to go into decay. & when a Colliery was afterwards Set a going close by, the walls of which were made to form a part of some Colliers houses Not a vestige of it is now to seen" See Stat Acct, [Statistical Account] (1841)

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Parish of Gladsmuir
9 D

54 - Gladsmuir Old Kirk

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Bizzy- Moderator, Douglas Montgomery

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