
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
STIELL'S HOSPITAL Stiell's Hospital
Stiell's Hospital
Stiell's Hospital
Steels Hospital
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Parlane
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Caesar
Stat Acct. [Statistical Account] (1841)
Johnston's Co. [County] Map
009 [Situation] About 3/4 Mile N. [North] from Tranent
A handsome building founded in 1821 by the late George Stiell, Smith & builder in Edinburgh, at a cost of about £3000. It is endowed with an income of £900, which maintains a few boys & Girls as inmates, and a free day school in which are educated about 140 children. The Lord Justice Clerk, the Sheriff of the Co. [County] & the Minister of the parish, are governors & directors of the Institution.
North British Railway
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Parlane
Robert Aitken
009 [Situation] Leading E [East] & W. [West] thro' [through] centre of Plan
A Railway leading from Edinbro' [Edinburgh] in direction of Berwick etc.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 13
Parish of Tranent

43 Stiell's Hospital
47 North British Railway

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