
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
HOPRIG Hoprig Robert Ainsley Esqr, Evlingston
Mr Henderson, Long Niddry
009 A farm house with officcee Thrashing mill and farm attached occupied by Mr Henderson Long Niddry and property of Mr [Cochrane]
ELVINGSTON Elvingston Robert Ainsley Esqr, Evlingston
Mr Henderson, Long Niddry
Co. [County] map
009 A well constructed house in the modern Style of Architecture [with] Suitable officies, ornamental and [vegetable] gardens attached and [surrounded] by a small portion of demesne or Ornamental land, the property And residince of Robert Ainsley [Esqr]
TRABROUN Trabroun Robert Ainsley Esqr, Evlingston Mr Henderson, Long Niddry
Co. [County] map
009 A farm Steading with Thrashing mill and farm attached. It is the property and in the [occupation] of Robert Ainsley Esqre.

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[Page] 44
9. B. Parish of Gladsmuir

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