
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Long Niddery
Andrew Burns
Robert Walker
Co [County] Map (1799);
Stat Acct. [Statistical Account] 1799
List of Farms of Co. [County] Haddington
009 [Situation] At the S. [South] end of Longniddry Village.
A plain built mansion two Storeys high, having out houses attached. The property of the Earl of Wemyss. It is unoccupied.
JOHN KNOX'S KIRK (Ruins of) John Knox's Kirk (Ruins of)
John Knox's Kirk (Ruins of)
John Knox's Kirk (Ruins of)
Knox's Kirk
Andrew Burns
Robert Walker
Co [County] Map 1799;
Stat. acct. [Statistical Account] 1841
009 [Situation] About 135 chains N [North] by W [west] from Elvingstone.
The ruins of an old chapel or ch. [church] Situated close to the Mansion house of Longniddry. John Knox, the Scottish reformer for some time preached here. "While residing at Longniddry, Knox was in the practice of expounding the Scriptures and preaching the doctrines of the Reformation in a Chapel, about 1/2 mile to the west of which he then lived, close to the present mansionhouse of Longniddry, which from his preaching in it Still goes by the name of Knox's Kirk", see Stat. Acct [Statistical Account] (1841)

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[Page] 3 [Plan] 9B -- Parish of Gladsmuir

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