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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BROX BURN Brox Burn Mr Denholm, Broxmouth, Dunbar
James Bishop, Broxburn, Dunbar
007 A considerable Stream whose Source is the hill South of Dunbar its course is NE [North East] and is the motive power for the corn mills near Newtonlees from whence it proceeds through the Demesne of Broxmouth and joins the Sea near the Vaults

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 32
List of Names Collected by Corporal William Rogers RS [Royal Sappers] & Miners
Plan 7C Trace 1 & 3

Brox Burn - A Stream

[Signed] William Rogers
Corpl [Corporal] R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]

Transcriber's notes

Gurgie Mire Cancelled

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