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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CARMELITE MONASTERY [Dunbar] Monastery (site of)
Monastery (site of)
Dr [Doctor] Kelly
Revd [Reverend] T. Burnet
006 [Situation] A little N, [North] West of the Free Church
This Monastery formerly belonged to the Carmelite or White Friars and was founded by Patrick Seventh Earl of Dunbar in the year 1263, not a vestige remains to mark the spot where the Monastery stood.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 76
Parish of Dunbar

In 1263. the seventh Earl founded here a monastery of
Carmelites or White friars but no vestiges of it now remain.
Some Roman medals inscribed Iudea Captiva were founded
on digging the site of the reservoir hence it was supposed to
have been formerly the site of the Carmelite friary." -- Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] of Haddington Page 79

"In 1263 Patrick Earl of Dunbar founded a house for Carmelites or White Friars at Dunbar
But it appears not what favourite has gratified with his property instead of the heirs of the
[founder." -- Chalmers Caledonia vol [volume] 2 page 58

[Note] -- The site of this monastery cannot now be exactly
ascertained, but is generally supposed to be the spot
where the Free Masons' Lodge and reservoir stands -

Note. The supply Reservoir and the masons Lodge to be written on plan in connection with the above object
thus - Supply Reservoir
(water works)
Freemasons' Lodge
on the supposed site of
Carmelite monastery

See pages 34 & 90

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Moira L- Moderator, ElaineF