
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
HOWDEN Houden Alexander Ramsay Land Steward Newbythe,
Mr Sinclair Farmer Waughton
005 A row of small houses in good repair. On the farm of Stonelaws. They are occupied by agricultural labourers.
JAG Jag Alexander Ramsay Land Steward Newbythe,
Mr Sinclair Farmer Waughton
005 A few Small houses with Small gardens attached, on the farm of "Waughton" occupied by work people.
SPRING GARDENS Spring Gardens Alexander Ramsay Land Steward Newbythe,
Mr Sinclair Farmer Waughton
005 A Small house in the policy grounds of Newbythe. It has a Small garden attached and is occupied by work people, the property of Sir David Baird.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 43 -- List of Names collected by Robert Miller c/a [civilian assistant]

Plan 5 D Trace 2 -- WhiteKirk Parish

Object- Houden - Houses
Jag - Houses
Spring Gardens

[Signed] Robert Miller
c/a [civilian assistant]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Chr1smac -Moderator, Ian Anderson