
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
PROVOST'S PARK Provost's Park Sir David Kinloch
George McArthur
John Brown
005 [Situation] About 1 Mile S. E. by E. [South East by East] from Crauchie
Two fields in one of which are the [remains] of an old monastery. (see description in this Book) When the lands belonging [to] this Monastery were annexed to the [Chapel] Royal of Sterling this park was [retained] in the Gilmerton family, in whose possession it still remains.
PENCRAIG WOOD Pencraig Wood Mr John Brown
Mr James Smith
005 [Situation] About 1/4 Mile S.E. by S. [South East by South] from Crauchie
A small wood about one mile west of [Linton] on the Haddington and Linton Turnpike road. It principally consists of fir with a few Oak and ash interspersed. Owner Sir David Kinloch Baronet.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 28 -- Parish of PrestonKirk

Form 136
Page 50 Provost's Park
49 Pencraig Wood

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Chr1smac -Moderator, Ian Anderson