
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
LITTLE WAMPHRAY Little Wamphray Mr. Lockhart Wamphray
John Guild Farmer Balgone Barns
005 A few Cottages SE [South East] of Whamphray Farm steading occupied by Agricultural labourers and property of Sir Hew Dalrympole
BALGONE BARNS Balgone Barns John Guild Farmer Balgone Barns
Rent Receipt
Peter Anderson Gamekeeper Balgone House
005 A well Constructed fFrmhouse with CuiCottages and farm attached occupied by John Guild (Farmer) and Property of Sir George Grant Suttie Balgone House
BALGONE HEUGH Balgone Heugh Peter Anderson Gamekeeper Balgone House
Mr Scoughalll Steward Sheriffhall
005 A range of Rocks and in some places very precipitous Commencing a short distance of North of Balgone House and extending from thence in a S [South] West direction till they enter the estate of Rockville from whence they take the name of Rockville Heughs

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 53
List of Names collected by Michael Duggan C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
Plan 5B Trace 2
North Berwick Ph [Parish]

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Trondragirl- Moderator, as@electroniccottage.co.uk