
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
SYDSERF Sideserf
James Lawrence
James Todd
William A Wyllie
Statist. Acct. [Statistical Account]
Forests Map 1799
Johnston's Map.
List of Ploughgates 1833
005 [Situation] About 1 1/4 Mile E by N [East by North] from East Fenton.
A farm house, with Suitable offices and farm attached, Situated a little South of the village of Kingston; the property of Mrs. Fergusson of Archerfield House, and occupied by Mr. Francis Howden.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 18
Parish of North Berwick

In forms 136 page
31 Sydserf

[Note] "Adjoining (Fenton Tower) is the ancient place of Sydserf,
Said to be named from St. Serf, the revered instructor of
St. Mungo or Kentigern, to whose memory, as is well known,
was dedicated the beautiful and Magnificent Cathedral of
Glasgow. The mansion house has long ceased to be the residence
of its proprietor, and is now occupied by servants in Charge
of the property"
New Statist: Acct. [Statistical Account] of Scotland
Page 333

Transcriber's notes

In the Note the word - Sydserf - has been underlined.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

DANIALSAN, Douglas Montgomery

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