
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Gullane Links
Gullane Links
Peter Scott
James Shepherd
S.D. Shirriff
001 ; 004 [Situation] It extends from Luffness House to the Village of Gullane
A large tract of rough pasture land on the east side of Aberlady Bay. It is farmed as a Rabbit Warren etc by Mr McKay & Mr Shepherd who partly supplies the Edinbro' [Edinburgh] market with Rabbits. This tract of ground is a Common to which the inhabitants or proprietors of houses or lands in the village of Gullane have a common right or claim. The southern part of it is private property belonging to Mr Hope of Luffness an undefined boundary line divides the common from the latter property. The boundary line is shown on plan by proper authority.
Race Ground
Race Ground
Race Ground
Peter Scott
Thomas Shepherd
Co. [County] Map (1799)
Johnstons Co. [County] Map
004 [Situation] On the N. [North] side of Gullane Links
A portion of Gullane Links, used as a race course, and for the purposes of trainig race horses.
Note. There is no course staked or marked out on this ground and therefore Race Ground & not Race Course is the term usually applied to this object.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 5
Parish of Dirleton

49 Gullane Links
49 Race Ground

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Nellie- Moderator, Ian Anderson

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