
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Remains of FORTIFICATION (1549) [Luffness House] Remains of Fortification 1549
Remains of Fortification 1549
Remains of Fortification 1549
Thomas Christison
James Armstrong
Stat: Acct: [Statistical Account]
004 This is part of a Fosse which surrounded the Fort within which Luffness House was situated. It is a ditch about twenty feet wide, extending for about ten chains in a Semicircular direction from the S. E. [South East] corner of Luffness House, to a small pond, where it ends. It was constructed in 1549 by the French General De Thermes

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 42
Parish of Aberlady

"The house of Luffness is partly of very
ancient date. It stands within a
small fortification, constructed by
the French General "De Thermes", in
1549, in order to straiten the English
garrison in Haddington, by preventing
it from receiving supplies by sea: and
the ditch and rampart are still most
distinctly visible."
(Stat: Acct: [Statistical Account]
Page 253)

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