
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
KILSPINDIE CASTLE (Site of) Kilspindie Castle (site of)
Kilspindie Castle (site of)
Kilspindie Castle (site of)
Fortalice of Kilspindy
Thomas McDougal
Revd. [Reverend] John Smith
John Tait
Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 1835
004 [Situation] About 1/4 Mile West from the United Presbyn [Presbyterian] Church
The site of an old castle of which no remains of its walls or any ruins exists except an irregularity in the surface of the ground The site was pointed out by the Revd [Reverend] Mr Smith. Some of the ruins or walls existed untill about 50 years when they removed to build fences &c.

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[Page] 40
Parish of Aberlady

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