
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Luffness House
Luffness House
Thomas Christison
James Armstrong
Stat Acct. [Statistical Account] (1841)
Co. [County] Map (1799)
Gazetteer of Scotland
004 [Situation] About 3/4 Mile N. E. by E. [North East by East] from Aberlady Village
A large mansion house with offices in good repair, having a small garden and a large tract of arable and ornamental demesne ground attached. It is the residence and property of George W. Hope Esqr. Part of the house is of very ancient date. "It stands within a small fortification, consructed by the French General D. Thermes in 1549, in order to straiten the English garrison in Haddington, by preventing it from receiving supplies by sea. In 1551 this fort was ordered to be distroyed, but the house was allowed to remain as private property." See Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 1841. There is still a small part of the fosse of the fort still remaining at the S. E. [South East] side of the house. The house house was mostly rebuilt in 1850.

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[Page] 37
No 5
Parish of Aberlady

72 Luffness House

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