
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Luffness Mill
Luffness Mill
Luffness Mill
Luffness Mill
Mr. Summerville
James Shepherd
Peter Scott
Greenwood Co. [County] Map
Co. [County] Map (1799)
004 [Situation] About 1/2 Mile N. E. by E. [North East by East] from Luffness House
A farm house and offices (including a thrashing and sawing mills) attached, Occupied by Mr. Summerville the property of Mr. Hope of Luffness
PARISH OF ABERLADY Parish of Aberlady See Name Book Plan 4 D 004 [Situation] In the N. W. [North West] Portion of the County of Haddington
For Descriptive Remarks see Name Book of Plan 4 D.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 25
[N] 2
Parish of Aberlady

52 Luffness Mill

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Nellie- Moderator, Ian Anderson

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