
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
THE COTTAGE The Cottage Mr James Dall
Mr James Hislop
Mr Alexander Burns
002 A neat Villa residence the Property of, & occupied by Mrs Richardson.
THE VALE The Vale Mr James Dall
Mr James Hislop
Mr Alexander Burns
002 A neat Villa on the north side of Westgate, the residence of, Mr Alexander Burns, the proprietor
FREE CHURCH [North Berwick] Free Church Mr James Dall
Mr James Hislop
Mr Alexander Burns
Revd [Reverend] J. Shewen
002 A neat structure surmounted by a Small spire on the South end - over the Entrance. The Average number of hearers is about 420; communicants about 140; the minister is the Revd. [Reverend] J. Shewen, whose Salary is "the usual sustentation stipend" - which fluctuates, with a Free Church Manse to reside in,

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[page] 83
Plan 2 C -- Parish of North Berwick

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