
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
MILL BURN Mill Burn James Hislop North Berwick
James Dall North Berwick
002 A Small stream which rises at the S [South] West side of North Berwick Law, and runs in a Northerly direction Passing under Loch Bridge and empties into the Sea at the East side of the East Links
LOCH BRIDGE Loch Bridge (Co. [County]) James Dall North Berwick
James Hislop North Berwick
002 A County Bridge of one Arch erected over the Mill Burn on the Road leading from North Berwick to Dunbar and about 1/2 a Mile from the former Place. it is kept in repair by the County Road Trustees
LOCHBRIDGE T.P. Lochbridge Toll Bar Richard Whitson Toll Collecter Lochbridge TB [Toll Bar]
Ticket Board
002 A Toll Bar on the North Berwick and Dunbar Road The property of the Trustees of the County of Haddington

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 67
List of Names collected by John Early C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
Plan 2D Trace 3
Parish of North Berwick

Mill Burn - Stream
Loch Bridge (Co. [County]) - Bridge
Lochbridge Toll Bar

[For Loch Bridge the Object is given as] Bridge

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

DANIALSAN, Douglas Montgomery

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