
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
THE YELLOW MAN The Yellow Man Mr. John Kelly
Mr. Andrew McLean
002 A large Rock which has a most picturesque appearance and at a distance resembles a man; and being of a yellow Color the fishermen call it as Stated.
RUGGED KNOWES Rugged Knowes Mr. John Kelly
Mr. Andrew McLean
Mr. James Dall
Mr. James Hislop
002 A portion of Rough Pasture land Commonly Called links on the Farm of Rhodes; so called from its rugged Surface.
WANTON WALLS Wanton Walls Mr. John Kelly
Mr. Andrew McLean
Mr. James Dall
Mr. James Hislop
Greenwood's Co. [County] Map
Forrest's Co. [County] Map
Johnston's co. [County] Map
002 Two Cottages in a Row _ on the Farm of Rhodes; Occupied by Farm servants; the property of Sir Hew Dalrymple Bart. [Baronet]

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 55
Plan 2 D. Parish of North Berwick
[Trace] 2

Transcriber's notes

In the description for Rugged Knowes the word - links - has been underlined.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

DANIALSAN, Douglas Montgomery

  Location information for this page.