
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BANK OF SCOTLAND [Haddington] Bank of Scotland (Branch of)
Bank of Scotland (Branch of)
Thomas Lodrick
Andrew Beaton
010 [situation] On E [East] side of Newton Port and on the West side of Hardgate Street. About 8 chains E.N.E. [East North East] from Town Hall.
A house part of which is occupied as a branch office of the bank of Scotland and the remainder occupied by the Bank agent Thomas Lodrick.
FLESH MARKET [Haddington] Flesh Market Charles Gaff,
James Gillies
010 [situation] On E. [East] side of Hardgate Street - opposite the junction of Market Street
A large building on the east side of Hardgate Street, erected at the expense of the town. It is fitted up with stalls and a place for the slaughtering of cattle, only two of the stalls are presently occupied.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 19
Parish of Haddington
Trace 5

88 - Bank of Scotland
87 - Flesh Market

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Bizzy- Moderator, Ian Anderson

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