
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
FORT (Remains of) [The Castles] The Castles
(a Camp)
Mr. D. Murray
Mr. P. Home
James Kirkwood
Johnstons' Co. Map
015 An old Camp on the Farm of Long Newton at the Junction of Blinkie Burn & Back Burn; its Several parts are in bad preservation and Supposed to have been Constructed by the Danes. -
MAKEMRICH Mak-em-reach Mr P. Home
James Kirkwood
015 A Portion of R.P. [Rough Pasture] on the farm of Long Newton on the West Side of Blinkie Burn. -
FAWN KNOWES Fawn Knowes Mr P. Home
James Kirkwood
015 A Portion of R [Rough] & Heathy Pasture on Long Newton Farm at the Base of the Lammermoors, the Surface of which rises into Several Small Knowes, derivation unknown

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 63
Plan 15 C -- Parish of Yester

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