
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
YESTER CASTLE (Remains of) 015 [continued from page 35] "In the reign of David I. Hugh de Gifford an English Gentleman settled in East Lothian and obtained extensive estates there. He was succeeded by a son of the same name who rose to eminence under William the Lion and obtained from that monarch the additional territory of Yester. The celebrated Castle of Yester celebrated on account of the Hobgoblin Hall was at that time and long afterwards the family residence. Hugh de Gifford was of sufficient importance to have his own Sheriff according to the practice of feudal times. One of his descendants John de Gifford who lived in the time of Robert Bruce obtained by marriage the lands of Morham. In 1418 the male heirs of this ancient family having failed, the extensive domains of the Giffords were inherited by four daughters, - the eldest of whom Johanna having Obtained the estate of Yester transferred it to her husband, Sir William Hay of Locherwart. Thus arose the family of Yester and Locherwart who obtained the title of Lord Hay of Yester in 1488 that of Earl of Tweeddale in 1646 and that of Marquiss of Tweeddale in 1694". &c. Stat. Acct [Statistical Account] of Haddingtonshire 1835 page 157.

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Parish of Garvald & Bara.

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