
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
GIFFORD 015 [Continued from page 47]
the Marquis of Tweeddale; the remainder are held from him in fief. The feuars meet every two years to choose two Bailies and a committee of five by whom the affairs of the village are managed. In ancient times the factor of the Marquis of Tweeddale, who held the office of baron Bailie, and the two bailies Chosen by the feuars, met three times yearly at the Market Cross to settle disputes and try delinquents. The existence of this court (which was called the Birla or Boorla Court) was discontinued About fifty years ago. There are three fairs or trysts held annually in Gifford, viz. on the last Tuesday of March, the third Tuesday of June, and the first Tuesday of october. There is also a Lock-up under the Ph [Parish] school for Confining delinquents for a night previous to their being sent to Haddington. There is a Common on the N.E. [North East] of the village, see page 53

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